
“Nobody comes to work in video game development trying to make anyone angry,”

It bothers me that they didn’t name the event...

It doesn’t take a fortune teller to know what kind of treatment Kaitlyn Dever will be getting.
I wish her good luck

Ohh the reviews say so, it must be true then!
Silly me, why would I trust what I see and watch with my own eyes.
Obviously the story changes drastically when you play the game with the unbearably annoying and soul less characters vs just watching them on cutscenes and saving myself 60 hours. 

If you prefer, I can post the actual screenshot from the scene.
But then you’d be up in arms about spoiler so, can’t win.

No amount of gameplay can ever make up for the disrespect of a particular scene

Arkham Batman can do all these, and yet the actual boss fight is just you...shooting at a giant batman.
All of this just makes the park bench part all so insulting slap in the face for Arkham Batman.

I understand where he’s coming from, again Starfield is a perfect example.

That’s why it was funny

like positive and negative charges repelling each other

It’s still slightly more fun than Starfield

Maybe they’re finally deciding to address this bug ticket

He’s not being sarcastic, he’s just stupid.

You’re right, it is a difficult concept for modern person to grasp considering that split screen gaming is all but extinct.

when I get the low battery notification I put it on the charger and switch to another controller

An average adult works 8-10 hours a day on weekdays, by the time we get home we pretty much only have energy to eat dinner and sleep.

I’m not the only one who’s seeing this...right?

She just need to look buff enough to wield a gold club.
Viewers will be too busy hating her to notice the lack of build after that scene anyways

Starfield is still a thing?