
Working with many poor teen females and their families has been shocking to me. With basically no social safety net in the US it’s pretty bad. One teen female had a baby at 15 and another at 17. She was paid $35,000 per birth and given new Mustang convertible each time. She then got $7500 bonus for each other girl she

That was just the character, you see...

So is she going to talk about that time she said all gay men were disgusting and had AIDS?

“Kim told me about that [surrogacy] as well…I’m using the same doctor, Dr Huang, who’s the best and he has a concierge team that deals with everything and interviews the people [the surrogate] to make sure that they’re healthy.”

Ok, I’ll bite…

Pretty crazy that people would pay $100 when you could just buy it for $40 digitally and eventually $40 physically when it restocks. FOMO is wild.

Having watched debates like this play out continually for 2 decades and change, I no longer buy the simple answers on it because too many people who have supposedly been raised differently (Joss Whedon comes to mind) tend to participate in the same stuff.

I feel like chess is the original gamer incel culture. (Though online gaming has certainly eclipsed it today.)

It speaks to how ingrained the attitude is built into some people that they continue to behave so poorly with women even after so many years of being publicly called out by the Me Too movement.

Just like Love and Thunder, I saw this movie before anyone could tell me I was supposed to not like it. So now I’m stuck having the wrong opinion about it, as dictated by society. Sorry, I guess.

Actually my DNA has been mutated and now I’m part lizard person. Still better then being a pussy afraid of a needle 

No. We are all living with the consequences of idiots not following public health protocols. Of course we're not "okay". And you honestly should care about the personal decisions of people whose personal decisions will affect OTHERS.

personal decision” lol

Honest mistake. 

Well, I thought I was dead, but I was just in Nebraska.

Well aren’t you special. I got the vax like all the so-called experts said to, and I was dead within a month!

Username checks out.

You’d figure that peoples anti-vax opinions would work it self out, if you get my drift, but sadly being anti-vax seems to go hand in hand with being entitled with affordable health care. 

I’m a doctor with a post graduate degree in public health, so I knew quite a bit about vaccination before this current public health crisis. Including how predictable it would be how anti-vaxxers would die at much higher rates after we got a working vaccine.

the bitches in the comment section butthurt because they’re little game is subject to a little critique. it’s always the people who think they’re above every controversy who are the most immature.