
Hard to believe that only a few months ago crypto simps ran rampant in the comments section here and on other websites telling everyone how NFTs were the future. That we just didn’t understand and they were going to be everywhere whether we liked it or not. And now? Blessed silence.

? Did you not read the part that indicates he’s using electronic devices to communicate with potential witnesses, and they don’t want him trying to access crypto assets either?

Except if you are interested in vr you are not going to buy the $550 tethered headset first. Instead you are going to buy the $400 standalone headset. It just seems like the market space where this competes is really niche in an already niche market.

That was so cool that I gave it a pass on it’s stereotypically misguiding portrayal on how defibrilation and CPR works.

I disagree with this. I’m a well-paid professional, trying to lure me back to the office with coffee pods and snacks is insulting, I can provide these things for myself. Also, I don’t need forced social events at the office. I have my own social life outside of work. 

My first thought as well. I don’t care how meta or 4th wall breaking it was, just thinking about that moment still makes my jaw drop. An incredible moment in an incredible fight in an incredible game!

They weren’t wrong. It really was vaginas for everyone!

Idk how she does it. That brand of toxicity definitely stopped me from playing competitive online games with open voice chat + randos and she’s getting it way worse. Heck even LoL text chat was a bridge too far. I’m already subjecting myself to the grind of ranked play. Why do I need to also bathe in whatever sexist/r

don’t people get tired of being angry about everything?

Or the vending machine 

I don’t know about you but criminally limited is 100% how I would describe my irl romance options. So I felt right at home.

i laughed when they revealed it was an old man who was the sniper. i played a lot of mgs3 growing up so i could only think of joel vs the end

Was Claire the racing storyline lady? If so, man I really wanted to romance her too. She had enough depth to imply they originally had more plans for her in the game.

“Family served in Nazi army” is a +5 poll bump in Florida. 

Will literally never get over the fact that, if you’re attracted to men in this cyberpunk game, your options are either fucking a cop or fucking a racist 80 year old twink. 

to add to that: 1612 was also the year of the Fettmilch rebellion, a jewish rebellion

actually it ends with their leader turning into a giant lizard and THEN you kill him

Does it end with killing all the evil crooked nose bankers who secretly run the world? (In case not clear: sarcasm strongly intended.)

Get fucked racist nerds, the source material was always racist and anti-semitic