
Alt. Form:

Probably my best one so far:

Alternate form:

Alternative version:

Probably just me, but I despise the copy and paste Aston-Martin like grille on the Fiesta. It looks less fiesta-like and more corporate meeting.

Last Conceptual design for me. $kaycog:

Do Want.

DieselDozer is a name I made up, can always be changed...On that note, I hope to god there isn't a person named DieselDozer on here lol.

Conceptual design #3. The Camino is not mine, so it will obviously have to be replaced by some other Camino design, but something along these lines:

Here's my rough conceptual idea #2:

I was thinking something like "...well you can buy X Mustangs for that price!" I'm no artist, but something around these lines is what I had in mind. The design can totally be tuned up to look better, but you get the idea.

Mullaly started making the cuts back when he become CEO with a modified Mark Fields Way Forward Plan. They closed down many plants, and slashed jobs in order to match their supply with demand. That with the massive 28 billion dollar secured line of credit loan the CFO managed to secure from the banks before the