
Yes!!! I know exactly what you're talking about!

We didn't get the refreshed European Focus because of internal conflict within the Ford Motor Co. Bill Ford always wanted it but the European execs kept telling him off and making excuses that it wouldn't fit with the American product lines, whatever that means. It was a chaotic time for Ford and it wasn't until Bill

This is Fantuckinfastic! The sheer ridiculousness of how awesome this looks warranted a silly word.

Ask any racer, any real racer, it's not Furious enough until you attempt it on a Ford Explorer.

Tesla's batteries exploding is nothing compared to the bigger deal of why Apple Jacks doesn't taste like apple!

Pretty sure for it to catch on with today's moviegoers, they need more of this to lure them in:

...OR BEST SITE EVER!!! Jalopnik needs to bulk order some syringes stat, just to compete! A few models couldn't hurt, I'd even settle for some editors in wigs.

10 second car with overnight parts from Japan?

I don't know why I keep thinking of this as the response:

For Richard and Aaron, What's been your most favorite build so far?

Ahhh, you're probably right. In the spirit of this QOTD, I will have to withdraw this submission as it's probably not real. It would've been great if it was.

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Now if the P1 meets the F1, my hypothesis is that life on this earth as we know it would cease to exist in a similar style to 2 falcon punches combining.

I like it! It has a hint of the GR-1 concept all over its face

It's called Bentley's "chairman" ad. I got the date wrong, as it said it was released Feb 2000.

I'm a huge fan of Bentley's 2006 ad. It just puts it all out on the table

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...And this is how I envision the scene when the truck owner walks out

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No salesman here, I just like a good Camaro ad.

That's one way to make a Grand entrance...