
exhibit 1: real M cars.

I've always thought it was neat that the Bmw 2002 tii has the decals on front backwards just so the driver in front can read it normally through their rear view mirror

Mazda AZ-1. Did i mention it has gullwing doors, the possibilities are endless!

I second That!

in regards to tesla...

I'm heartclicking you here and now. I nearly spit my coffee out laughing so hard at what you just said!

.....couldn't hurt

Anyone care to explain how it got inside the living room?

Subaru. Every car they make is all wheel drive. It's kind of their thing-

Hyundai Tiburon's up there for sure

Can't forget the American Vector M12!

That's Heavy Doc!

God help them if the laser power regulator goes haywire

Congrats on COTD!

Her name's natalia mesa bush For the record-


Seriously, quit spamming on every Jalopnik article you lay your eyes one with that ABC Revenge shit. You've been doing this all day, You may work for ABC to promote their new show, but twisting every Jalop article into some kind of ad promotion is stupid-

Stop this madness right meow.

I was literally crying laughing seeing this! totally broadsided by this one, good job, definitely heartclicking you-