So even if this ridiculous bigotry does become law in Missouri, it’s just begging to become a Supreme Court case about the constitutionality of turning away customers for their sexuality, yes?
So even if this ridiculous bigotry does become law in Missouri, it’s just begging to become a Supreme Court case about the constitutionality of turning away customers for their sexuality, yes?
It is outrageous that this bill is even being suggested...where are the promoters of freedom? If I own a floral shop I should be able to refuse service for whatever reason I want. I wholeheartedly think it is stupid to deny gay weddings your service...but I agree that is your right and that right should be protected…
I grew up Evangelical. You’re absolutely right-Evangelicals have done some real good in the world. They do some things very poorly as well. I’ve grown up experiencing both (because I’m human and so are they). Even though I’ve explored non-evangelical Christian denominations since I was 18, I will never be able to…
Co-signed. It seems like there are media personalities, television shows, political candidates, talk radio hosts all tripping over themselves to express how Christian they are. Certainly some of the TV shows seem really exploitative to me (I’m looking at you TLC) but there’s definitely no lack in the media of…
“It is rare to hear someone in mainstream media acknowledge that they are glad to be or have been evangelical, even though about a quarter of Americans are evangelical.”
Retta is so great and was woefully underutilized in Parks and Rec.
will stream and watch. she was understated awesomness on parks and rec.
“they’re making it really easy for irritated publishing folks to write dystopias where The Everything Store constitutes the entire economy.”
I was always surprised that Baxter didn’t have like 50 half brothers/sisters.
I’ve always wondered about mating in talking animal stories like Zootopia and Arthur. Are you supposed to stick to your own kind? On Arthur, though not completely clear what animal each character is, there are no “mixed marriages” among the parents. Baxter’s mother is the only single parent, and she only dates…
What the fuck.
An uber driver (who had a passenger!) hit my friend with his car, then gave her the finger and drove off. Uber, who tracks every driver with GPS, refused to help her learn who just hit her with their car. And who knows if the passenger reported it. Seriously everyone, STOP USING UBER! The convenience isn’t worth…
I actually sort of buy their excuse for the “rape” search but that doesn’t explain the results for “assaulted.” No one is named “Johnassaulted Smith” or something.
This article in Martha Stewart Living was probably one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen:
She’s Polish Catholic, but yeah.
Martha shade is the best shade
LOL i love her and her WASP shade forever