They should have asked him for his SAG card in return.
They should have asked him for his SAG card in return.
I can name like twenty reasons off the bat why a teenaged girl would shoot another teenaged girl that don’t involve some dumbass guy.
theres just a lot of really weird gendered stuff going on in your post, trying to link this back to boys, boys not being worth it, only notifying that the moms are gonna get called, etc..
When I saw both the shooter and victim were female, I thought it was a failed relationship between the two girls. Equality means women can abuse and kill their domestic partners with the ease and frequency that men do, so this is progress? Nah, it was probably over a boy, out lesbian teens in Texas are too busy being…
Fuck, I’m a statistic.
This was a lovely piece, and I feel like we don't hear enough from Adrienne or about this character. As a Jewish woman, I was really surprised when she decided to look into conversion, but it felt so right that it was her and not someone else. She so perfectly described the concepts of wrestling with learning and…
Thank you, this was lovely. I think I rewound every scene Black Cindy / Tova was in Season 3 and Season 4. She brings humor to the slightest gestures (the first scene with the rabbi!), and then brings me to tears every. damn. time. I watch her conversion in the lake. Please give us so much more Tova in Season 5!
because a lot of people need a defined rule
It is my hope that I will have a similar attitude towards my marriages.
Bullet dodged, my friend.
Your credit will recover. Your sanity will recover.
I actually love Pokemon Go and I’m absolutely team how and also why is he staying out till 5 AM. I’m a Youth, and that just sounds utterly exhausting.
Great now I'm going to feel anxious for the waiter everyone they forget to charge me for a drink or an appetizer.
While it seems like he was doing the nice thing intentionally, his defense isn’t going to go over well in court. Clearly he should have feigned ignorance of which drinks entitled people to free refills and which ones didn’t.
Do you know how much shit I gave away when I worked at Starbucks? How many free drinks? They could afford it and so can ihop. I say fuck The Man.
Why on earth would you, even as the most incompetent police officer, choose to call an accused criminal to let him know he’s been accused of a crime? That is insane. If someone came in and was like “I saw my neighbor steal my television” the officer should not be like “oh, well let’s call him and see if that’s his…
Yes. It is self-defense.
It seems like the failure was more than just the law, but a society that seemed unable to offer this woman and her family safe and reliable options to report and escape the abuse for decades on end. And this is clearly not exclusive to France.
My dad used to joke that he would get spammed with ads for Viagra and for penile enlargement but no one ever offered a bigger hand.