
Ugh. Of course that happened in Huntington Beach...People are very comfortable with their white pride even more so there than the rest of Orange County. There was a shitty truck with FULL confederate flags that used to drive around my neighborhood.

This is literally part of what ended my relationship with my ex the other week. And I didn’t even CARE that he played until 2am - he was the one mad at me for not wanting to join. No loss there, LOL.

What an unbelievably cruel thing to do. I’m sure the lady in the photo knows about this by now...maybe she’ll press charges. :(

The shirtlessness doesn’t surprise me as much as the Sweatpants Bulge does.

Sort of tangential, but when I met my SO’s nephews during a Vegas trip, I was kinda high the whole time because it was Vegas and I have anxiety. One of his nephews is 4, non-verbal and potentially on the spectrum. Anyway, totally felt sympatico with him, especially the time we went for breakfast at a crowded HORRIBLE


Catholic shade is the shadiest shade of all shades

I love Obama, Michelle, and their daughters. :( Brings tears to my eyes to think they won’t be our first family any more. I hope history treats the Obamas well, too.

I can’t watch Try Guys. BUT, I DID love the Buzzfeed video where moms dressed their kids! It was fantastic. The mom who put her son in a bowling shirt because it had big pockets, which would bring him $$$ luck, was my absolute favorite. They were so considerate...and they made their kids look so weird XD

My brother and I watch the hell out of GG on family vacations. One time our dad popped in and said he liked the show but wasn’t fond of Bea Arthur because she was too mean...Way to miss the point, dad

I’m kinda excited to see the “common” British character in a movie. US audiences don’t really get much of that. Sacha’s accent isn’t very good but it’s still funny to see him do the character.

The British seem to have this weird fetish where they pretend Romans were just like them, down to the accent. Eddie Izzard has this great little bit where he mocks how Latin is read aloud during school lessons.

I turned to my friend and asked, “WTF are Scottish people doing in Egypt?”

Yeah! But less hot. And I can’t believe I’m saying that about a cartoon.

I just learned the role of certain Rwandan Catholic leaders in the Rwandan Genocide and that the pope (at the time) never, ever apologized for it. :/ Gross

I heard its stupid little growl when I saw this THANKS SO MUCH

Yeah but I mix him up with the other short, average looking actors that got popular around the same time

It’s kind of good that he’s a major nobody no name, because that way Deadpool seems more alive. I’ve seen so many different trailers for Deadpool and still, when I hear the name “Ryan Reynolds”, I think, “who the fuck is that”

She’s a nice lady and an iconic actress, but she shouldn’t have any platform where she shares her ideas. They’re mostly really stupid. I say this having read her memoir.

She’d be a great Sith lord. In my wildest dreams she would be cast as one in the next film