Honestly, they just need to give Eugene his own show and call it a day.
Honestly, they just need to give Eugene his own show and call it a day.
Maybe it’s all the vodka I have drank tonight but damn if I don’t have a lump in my throat.
Well said.
In so many ways, against so much hate from the geriatric immature and uneducated, he really has taken the high road.
For all the hate, vitriol, subtle and overt racism that was aimed at this man over the last eight years, did he not handle it with uncommon grace and dignity? I never asked President Obama to be a perfect President, such a thing is an impossibility. But he played the long game, never panicked, never showed fluster,…
As great as "Senior Year" Obama is, I love "Dad" Obama the most
The humor holds up more than almost any other sitcom from that era. It’s so fucking funny. And so funny on so many different levels.
In Belize I knew this whole family led by a Grandmother, and she and her dozen (approx) grandchildren would PILE into the room, squash into the couch and watch all the Golden Girls episodes that came on mid-morning, about three in a row, I think. The kids fucking LOVED the GGs and laughed their tiny asses off.
“I didn’t mean it. Is it really you? I love the show. I take it back.”
And Bea goes, “That’s what I thought. OK, that’s better.”
Huh - and in the current era - people brag about tweeting “F*CK off” to as many talented content creators as they can - and wear it like a National Medal of Valor.
This is amazing. I love The Golden Girls. I used to watch it with my grandmom when I was a kid but didn’t get a lot of it. Re-watching it as an adult was a goddamn treasure. Hot damn that was a sassy and smart as fuck show.
Bea Arthur was a motherfucking queen
It seems really unfair to judge people by their adult children, but sometimes it’s hard not to.
Accurate. I made more working in retail than I did as a preschool teacher.
It’s that “so pathetic vibe”, it’s how he sneaks in extra amounts of evil. (In a “playing possum” facade).
Of course I hate him, he is the antithesis of everything I stand for. But at the same time I feel bad that everyone else hates him. WTF is wrong with me?
Ted Cruz looks like if Jim Henson was sent to hell and the devil forced him to make a human muppet in 10 minutes.
There’s got to be a German word for exactly this scenario. Something between fremdscham and schadenfreude...
MACY GRAY. Like, wow, are we calling back to 2002?