
This photo does have a reallll Sister Wives vibe to it

I love you, you love me... now let’s make our love times three!

Or, you could do what I did, which was go to the doc for the official blood test, because I wanted to be pregnant but it would’ve been too early for the pee stick to tell. Went to Vegas with my husband the weekend before he was deploying to Afghanistan for six months, and either wanted to know and be happy, or drink

It almost sounded like a laugh track, or maybe I was hoping that it was a laugh track.

The HBO series Rome used British actors because the accent helped them seem more foreign. They don’t look Latin.

My 9 year old son was with me and this led to a whispered diatribe about the stupid casting from me to him.

Well, there is at least one black person in the movie. Whoopee.

Not going to defend them at all and this movie looks like it will be awful, but there is one black guy. Chadwick Boseman is playing Thoth. And his characters poster is this. Are they trying to make it seem more diverse by just adding in more pictures of him?

I saw a preview that had a woman who looked like she could be Middle Eastern. It also looked like she was the villain. See, they can cast people with a darker complexion as long as they play the bad guy.

I saw the preview for this at the theater a couple of months ago and it was distracting, really distracting, how white the cast is. Like make me angry distracting. No black people, no Arab people, it is seriously white. This is not how Egyptian Gods look, damn it!

I think that there is a real lack of generosity on the part of Ben Carson that is hard to understand. He doesn’t seem to empathize with the pain of others or really think about the depth of other people’s subjective experiences. I mean, I don’t know him but damn, it’s like he just doesn’t give a shit on a basic level.

the fuck kind of coffee are you drinking

Every one of them, of us, has been armchair diagnosed in public for our behavior.

I think he’s dialed down his style. This is what he looks like when I’ve seen him:

For real though.

Something tells me that people who listen to today’s country music are going to eat this shit up like candy.

Been doing it for 3 weeks now, with great results. I have 3 meals in those 8 hrs, will carry on doing this for a while now.

You know who else endorses this diet? The Wolverine Hugh Jackman and Dwayne the Rock Johnson. They have the same 8hour feast 16hour fast routine, and they credit it for their amazing bodies.

My parents and I have been using the 2-or-3 day per week method. Each week, we pick two or three nonconsecutive "no eat" days, in accordance with the recommendations from the "Fast Diet" author. On those days, we restrict our intact to 600 calories.