
Looking at Kris makes my nose hurt. I wonder if her nose hurts a lot. :(

That’s exactly the kind of thing my mom used to do

She is so supremely talented with a great career, so what gives? And also, not that this is important in any way or should ever impact earned wages, she aged better than he did...

“I think that you lose your sense of identity and your sense of self when you don’t have a humorous connection.”

That stood out the most to my friend and me when we saw the trailer. We were mortified on the au pair’s behalf, it was a good moment

oh thank god, an explanation. i was like WHY DISNEY, WHY U DO DIS

Yeah, idk, that looks like a strip club. I hate saying that but it does. And it looks like their shorts are transparent except for the stripes? XD And glittery? Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s cute and kids won’t add it up

I am so sad. :( Poor baby. Its parents need intensive remedial care.

Sarah Palin is a media/political pariah and it’s unfortunate that the candidates feel pressured to curry her favor. Like, Fox kicked her to the curb for trying to hijack Gabby Gifford’s shooting. She had to be stopped.

Yeah. :/ I lost brain cells remembering all of that.

Sames. My personal favorite OC shade was when the stupidest bitch I’ve ever met got a “going out” pic with me while she was still in her bathrobe so she didn’t have to post it on social media. Another time she stripped down to a thong in front of me to show me she’d lost 15 pounds - NOT joking, the reason why is a

That’s the size-up siren - you scream as loudly as possible while looking your “friend” up and down and coming up with a passive aggressive comment about their outfit/hair/SO/etc. It’s a thing in Orange County, cameras or not.

Chipotle is great for those days I want a super bland bean salad. Otherwise it is not great at all. The fat/protein ratio is way off for such mediocre fare, too; you’d think anything with that much fat would taste good.

I thought this was strange until I remembered the doll village in Japan. Also, this lady is in textile design! I find the knitted prawns on the linked site to be way creepier than the dummy

EDIT: OMFG. I found...This..on the site…

“The network didn’t elaborate on what exactly “new territory” entailed”

Where’s the part where she took out an insurance policy on him? I would. She HAD to have, right

Paint and Sip is really good for people who don’t think of themselves as being “creative.” People lit up at the end of the session I attended when the instructor circled the room and found something special about each painting. :) I got my parents a pass because my mom likes crafts and so my dad could try something he

I hope he (and his family) take this seriously. I’ve seen people ignore their diabetes diagnosis/act in spite of it, and it doesn’t end well.

Sibling burns are the best burns

They’re probably sending that guy out to the Midwest to become an evangelical pastor.

Uh...I hope this was some kind of protest on her part? Interesting, to say the least.