
People like her for her music? She’s a normal-looking person graced with stylists of the highest caliber BC of her career, not the other way around.

I agree with you. Christmas can be a nuclear arms race in some circles - as xmas approaches, you need to figure out who’s buying for you and what their $$ range might be so you can reciprocate properly. GOD forbid if you forget someone at the office but they gift you. I love giving gifts at Christmas, but don’t think

Love love love these <3

My cousin’s husband, a clever clogs statistician, LOVES this show. He will spend any amount of money shipping BBT products from the US to the UK. Maybe the show reminds him of cutting his teeth in a nerd department? The humor is objectively terrible so that must be it.

I agree with you, sometimes she misses the mark. I realized this while re-watching Mean Girls - some of the jokes were very off, which makes me wonder about this film. Hopefully it’s good.

I wanted Ron Howard to be JFK, wtf

“the right to choose.”

So if he had the ability to shoot himself over HIS life being “ruined”, why couldn’t he do it before he ruined others’? How selfish. This is something that runs through my mind each time a case like this gets publicity...Certainly not the fairest train of thought.

This is the merging of genre/style that I think I want, but will immediately hate if I watch it. :4

No one is going to silence your ability to write an essay for me.”

I love this woman. Salt of the earth.

Yep, seems like typical gamer outrage to me. And lol at other communities rigging the polls. That’s not surprising, either. Maybe there’s a larger flame war at foot that I’ve missed...

You’re onto something there. I will never forget the time I learned what Homestuck was by attending cosplay meetup with my brother’s girlfriend.

Wow, look at CA go! :)

It is much nicer now! I remember that toasty line on the horizon, even in the 90’s...

I had a good laugh at that video until I read what happened to the reporter. :( Missed that bit 7 years ago.

Seriously. I love it when my aunt is like, “It’s too cold!” She’s from IRELAND but seems to have forgotten it’s like there.

I find this type of incentive system insulting at best?

My company has a rewards system like this in place. We get bio-metric screenings and if we match certain requirements, we get a monthly bonus that reduces our insurance payment. If you don’t match the requirements, you can still get the rewards by taking make-up

We will force you to have your freedoms whether you like it or not!!

“They’re just like, how did your jersey get in that video, and I tell them, and I got like thirteen more Twitter followers after that.”

That’s where I started laughing uncontrollably. OMG 13 new followers OMG

Why is he still alive..? :| I was so disappointed when he was threatened during a road rage incident but didn’t get shot.