“k. Changing relationship status before the man is ready”
“k. Changing relationship status before the man is ready”
My boyfriend and I literally split up for 2 days because of what we each think about weddings. It was probably the dumbest miscommunication we’ve had as a couple. I’m team no-wedding-for-me-please and he thought that meant I’ll-never-commit-to-you-lol.
I really appreciated this article! It was fantastic! The gendered “comments” from people are really mean/dumb sometimes, but it’s nice to commiserate online...The “wouldn’t you get bulky???” question always catches me off guard, especially after the same person JUST asked how I stay in shape.
My other favorite is when…
“I am certain you have found some sort of shining beacon of light in Charley’s writing that you find adoring.”
DERP HAVE YOU FOUND JESUS people are the worst. I was approached by a group of people on the street, once, and they “laid hands” and prayed on me. It was traumatizing. Some lunatic church told people to run around in groups around the city that day, because another group tried to approach me later (and there were even…
I’m not a morning person, necessarily, but I’ve still forced myself up at 4:30am to work out before going into the office when my after-work schedule looked too grim, or even just to add some punch to my workday. Sometimes you have to look at your schedule and make tough decisions like “I will never sleep again.” It’s…
I just read the mom’s op-ed piece. This bit made me giggle:
“’As serious as a heart attack,’ she said, with fury in her eyes.
See, THIS is the kind of thing that makes me want to jump around with an American flag cape. Lol
Warning: very anecdotal. I remember my uber Catholic mom being FURIOUS about the legally mandated 1 on 1 with the doctor when I was a teen. She didn’t want the doctor to make me think sex was ok. If kids can get birth control without getting kicked out of the house, that’s a real plus. If it’s long term, a snooping…
Seriously...I had the same reaction, except my mom is really super Catholic. So it was part “wait, you believe this is real?” and part “this stuff makes mom really mad for some reason.”
I’m glad the author and her guy got through this, and giving up a pet is hard. But. The bit where she quips about endangering a young neighbor was, like, serious asshole territory, so I don’t mind writing a big “FUCK YOU” here in my comment. She did do her best to do right by the animal, so kudos for that, I guess.
This would be great if, IF, the couple had a very small ceremony someplace else, maybe weeks ago, and threw a party for everyone else later. Otherwise this is the dumbest idea I’ve ever read
Visited the business website, felt like I was watching Silence of the Lambs
Well, some of this reminds me of my parents. They’re in their mid and late 60’s, so they’re not SO very old, but we’re at the point where I am the Table Speaker because I have the best ears. Here are some funny things that they do now that they didn’t do 20 years ago:
- dispense salt on ONE tortilla chip at a time,…
Look, hither, Becky! Thoust butt may be large but yonder lies a yogurt upon the counter, a yogurt that dost smacketh of CHEESECAKE.
Yeah..I’m tired of yogurt being billed as woman-chow, especially the low-fat stuff with 16g sugar per serving.
This had an interesting start but doesn’t come to any conclusions. Or discuss examples of what “beautiful brides” are supposed to be vs. what a beautiful bride is/could be. Sofar’s comment would have been a better article, honestly, because at least she wrote about her personal experience as a bride who didn’t fit the…
Watched the preview, realized that Seth MacFarlane actually decided to make a Super Funny Important movie about teddy bear civil rights(JUSTICE!11!11!!) while cracking copious “tranny” jokes, “lol ur a whore” jokes, etc. Will writes that Seth attempted a MEGA PIVOTAL TOUCHING moment with Morgan Freeman. Not impressed…
Ferdman sounds like that guy you run into at the gym who thinks everything he has to say is WAY important, because, you know, he was an adult in the 70’s/80’s/etc and things were DIFFERENT. No explanation as to why things were different or even how they were different, things just were, also, he was alive then and you…
Why do people do this? A couple days ago my family saw someone pushing a Turbo Stroller full of teeny tiny dogs up a steep hill...
I’ve seen the c-word flag flown in earnest in Orange County. Saw a truck catapulting down a surface street that had a Confederate flag and a “Don’t Tread on Me” flag mounted on poles...Full-size flags. It was the worst thing.