
I really liked The Gifted. It had some interesting ideas and it took a lot of interesting risks, even though some of the characters could be a bit insufferable.

I haven’t read his essays and such, but being an ex-Mormon myself (grew up in it) the impression I get is that he was way less Mormon when he wrote books like Ender’s Game and SftD, and then went all in later in life.

The fact that she’s in good company with Elon Musk here (spends way too much time arguing with people on Twitter) says a lot about how happy (not) being rich and famous clearly makes these people.

Seriously. I imagine a lot of people in his position would just chase the fame and try to stay in the public consciousness for as long as possible. Radcliffe does whatever speaks to him as an actor, and you can also see him continuing to grow and refine his craft. It’s awesome.

It’s like Orson Scott Card. The man has done a total 180 from who he was when he wrote Speaker for the Dead - an incredible book about learning to love and see the humanity in the Other... and now he’s a rampant homophobe and Islamophobe.

I’ll buy it (thought my personal fave of Lost is ‘The Constant’ and that’s in fourth season).

Imo, DS9 got progressively better with each season, peaked in sixth, and then took a bit of a dive in seventh (which has some excellent episodes - I personally love the last run up to the series finale - but also includes some bonkers decisions like Sisko is half-Prophet and a few too many boring Ezri fillers).

I’m pretty ick about Rogue/Magneto myself given the age difference (knowing there’s ton of precedent for it in the comics doesn’t make it better) and I was worried her only thing this season would be the love triangle. And wow has that not been the case, and I’m so, so happy about where it’s taken her.

Unfortunately, the early films was hamstrung by the fact that things like comics-level costuming would be very offputting to mainstream audiences. The MCU in particular has done a lot to bring audiences around to accepting a lot of things that - depicted live-action - can come across as goofy. And my hope is that

As a Rogue fan, I have spent decades now trying to explain to non-fans why I love the character and no, that Fox movie version is nothing at all like what she is in the comics. And it is just SO REFRESHING to have such a wonderful take on her character. I am loving what this show has done for her so far.

I know there are fans pushing for this, but I am not one of them.

I’m in denial.

I always love the irony of the fact that, thanks to Sobek’s care with the creation of GAIA, this all-powerful AI has more humanity than any of the Far Zeniths.

It is still mind-boggling to me how well-written Ted Faro is who does such spectacularly destructive and selfish things as a villain and yet at no point even comes close to seeming like a caricature or moustache-twirling. The scariest thing about him is how he feels very, very plausible and real.

One thing I really enjoyed about the discussion of whether or not Sobek would’ve abandoned Earth to start over, is that it draws into focus this ongoing query for the series as a whole: when the world is so messed up, at what point do you give up and quite literally start over? Is it still salvageable and worth trying

But in Fallout 3 my problem was that fighting was my only option for leveling up. And I couldn’t heal until I had leveled up, and I couldn’t fight without losing more health.

I’d say Milo Ventimiglia and Adrian Pasdar in this photo are pretty well channeling the same feeling most of us have in hearing this news.

*shrug* Just reporting the games as I experienced them. It was years ago so I don’t remember the details. But whatever it was, they weren’t introduced early enough in the game for me to encounter it.

Fallout 3 was the third Bethesda game I tried (after Oblivion and Morrowind) in which I spent way too much effort trying to ease my way into the world and have it go absolutely nowhere.

Yeah, Eleanor’s super horny, and she expresses appreciation for hotness all across the spectrum.