
I never got into the games (tried Fallout 3 once years ago and thought the design was completely inaccessible...I mean, it is a Bethesda game) - but between Jonah Nolan (I love me some Person of Interest) and the cast (Walter Goggins! Kyle MacLachlan! Ella Purnell!) I might actually check this one out.

He’ll just try to use food metaphors in his attempts at therapy...

I love that. I love when something great is unplanned, and the writers are just chasing something spontaneous and spinning gold.

Yeah, I try not to think too hard about it and then just kind of quietly celebrate when he’s no longer on-screen.

Given her run of movies in the past few years as a producer and/or actor, I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.


It also helps that Adam Scott plays a really funny straight man. It’s not always the most glamorous role to be, so I think some actors shy away from it. But Ben Wyatt is one of my favorite examples of someone who makes the reaction to other people’s lunacy hilarious.

It could’ve been a daring way to take the series, with Eleanor/Tahani rather than Eleanor/Chidi.

She makes so many comments about how hot Tahani is.

It doesn’t hurt that Eleanor was constantly hitting on Tahani.

Yes! And the show would throw in a lot of details on the side that let us know how much they knew about each other (especially the little things) and how they were influencing each other. Amy could help Jake mature in a way he desperately needs, and Jake helped her have more fun and not take everything so seriously.

Pam and Jim were way more interesting up until they became a couple.

One of my favorite moments of their relationship is when Dave shows up, and Ben is totally fine with them going out to dinner because he’s secure in his relationship and completely trusts Leslie (to the point that it’s not even an issue that’s articulated on-screen). And that trust is totally founded - when Dave locks

Hey, it looks like avclub is no longer a part of GMG anymore?

I believe you’ll find this to be a pretty common sentiment among the fandom. Zero Dawn set such a high bar with the central mystery and the way it unfolded (one of my personal favorite gaming experiences) that, lacking that intrigue, it’s hard for a sequel to live up to.

Why didn’t I get a Community notification for this??

Iirc (tried to read the book a couple times but never finished) Dune is even about deconstructing the White Savior Chosen One archetype - given that the Bene Gesserit have been manipulating things for generations in order to create the Muad’dib. Which kind of begs the question of what a Chosen One really even is.

Old Man’s War seems like a no-brainer to me.

It’s almost like X-Men fans have been waiting a really long time for attention and a high-quality production in a media entry that’s made with a lot of passion for the franchise and respect for its characters...or something.

I mean, he basically wanted human beings to...stop being human beings.