
I’m crossing my fingers that, with the Skydance merger, they’ll promptly uncancel Lower Decks and give it the 7 more seasons that it deserves.

I will never not love him just for being the world’s biggest doofus, Bradward Boimler.

Wait, where’s all the hand-wringing and blaming the consumers? We need another Nicole Kidman commercial reminding us that we the common folk should be putting our collective health on the line in the midst of a pandemic to save the movie theatres.

No! Stop! Don’t give them ideas!

Ugh. I shudder to think what he would’ve tried to do with it.


Better too little than not enough.

Fair enough.

He didn’t want to give it up, and the audience didn’t particularly want him to, either.

Cate Blanchett is an incredible talent, and I so appreciate that someone of her caliber doesn’t consider crazy blockbusters (like this and Thor) to be beneath her.

Captain Marvel 3: Mystique, Destiny, and Rogue are the villains.

“Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the transphobes!”

“It’s not like she worships the devil.”
“She doesn’t have to. He worships her!”

All respect to the main cast (who were fabulous) but Bebe Glazer was on a whole other level. One of the best recurring characters in all of television.

This is still one of my favorite comic book movies. And I think one of the big reasons why is that the central conflict isn’t between Peter and the villain, but rather Peter and himself. Doc Ock even disappears for most of act two, because he’s more the impetus to help motivate Peter in making a choice whether or not

For the last two decades and change the CW (and the WB before it) was the best place to go for genre, soapy, teen-to-young-adult dramas that gave us a number of infinite classic shows (Veronica Mars, Gilmore Girls, Buffy, Angel, Dawson’s Creek, Charmed, Supernatural, Smallville, Vampire Diaries, all of Arrowverse, The

Woah, I actually forgot he was cast as Lex Luther. Hope he fares better than the last guy.

Fassbender and McAvoy absolutely carried the First Class films. Don’t try to explain it away as multiverse or whatever - just cast the two of them, recast everyone around them, and it will work just fine.

I’m pretty dubious about them bringing back Fox actors for this film, since the casting there was all over the place. And I’m looking for Marvel to do a hard reset with its cast.

Really cannot overstate how good X-Men ‘97 is. The mutant metaphor has never felt more relevant, it’s way more mature than the original show, and it made a really compelling case for “Magneto is right.”