
Nothing wrong with being devout. The problem are those who subscribe to extreme fundamentalism.

I don't care about any religions. But given that anti-Muslim violence, threats, and other incidents have increase recently, I think it's rather telling that people are clinging to the belief that there isn't any persecution. Who do you think did this? Who do you think did it the last five times? And the times before

Nothing says “denial is alive and well” like people who hear the dangerously hateful rhetoric but say that attacks on a Muslim church must not be religiously motivated. Yeah, and all white shooters are just mentally ill, right? Not products of our fucked up culture?

Completely off topic -

If it was a sectarian Christian acting against immigrants from the Middle East, it’s a real slap in the face of the rich symbolism of the Christmas story. Let’s recap this, shall we?

What a beautiful way to honour the birth of your lord and saviour.

The United States: A country without a single public museum dedicated to the history of slavery, but numerous museums and memorials dedicated to the glorification of slavers.

Historically accurate Jesus would TERRIFY the base.

Vice President Surgical Sponge that was left in that dude’s brain.

“Every single thing is on the table. I’m looking carefully.”

If you can’t say sex you shouldn’t be having it, this is reappropriated from my most important rule of dating, if a guy can’t talk about vaginas or what comes out of them he does not deserve to be near one

At Thanksgiving, I figured I’d get into a knock down with my boyfriend’s father, because the guy is a crazy, racist, homophobic nutjob who wants the US to become a theocracy. You could have knocked me down with a feather when he said Trump was crazy.

I’m thankful that I’m the crazy one, so nobody says shit when I say, apropos of nothing, “I can’t imagine what kind of freaking idiot would think that Trump would make a good president” while staring burningly and directly at the old racists in my family who refuse to die already.

Your dress code demands heels? Makes me glad to be working where I do, where the dress code is generally “Yeah, show up wearing clothes”.

The other day, my eye doctor was saying that my prescription is so bad that by the time I figured out a dinosaur was a dinosaur, I’d have been eaten. Don’t even think about adding heels to that. But thanks to modern technology, I will soon have 20/20 vision and never have to give up my heels again!

Right? If anything, I AM a radical feminist on a misogynistic crusade, and I would stay home in a heartbeat. It’s not about my desire for “social value”, it’s about paying my student loans. Christ.

“village elders”? what the heck is he talking about? are they the same people who make me sleep in a separate hut when i’m in my moon phase?

Pain makes us feel alive.

I have my little job so i can have more cash than the allowance my husband gives me! ;)