
Soooo this is basically Macbeth if the murderers were even less competent than they are in the play.

Yeah, same. The pill kept my undiagnosed PCOS at bay for years. Still mostly what I use it for, the whole not getting pregnant thing is just a fringe benefit.

Sounds about right. “We don’t believe in Science, just what we think happens.”

I assumed one of the girls in the group was more... uhhh... chesty then the others. In my personal experience, that’s 100% why both my peers and authority figures always thought I was a giant whore who couldn’t be sexually harassed. I wouldn’t have *chosen* to grow such gianormous boobies if I didn’t secretly “want

But remember, only 1 out of 6 things you read on the internet are true :)

I seriously don’t get why it’s only called birth control. Pharmaceutical companies could easily get around stupid conservative shit by labelling it hormone therapy.

O.M.G. You just flashed me back to being a teenager, laying in pain, whimpering, unable to move, on the bathroom floor due to cramps. I remember laying there once for over an hour.

Fuck, thanks to BC, I can do more than crawl out of bed to the bathroom, then collapse in a tear-filled ball of pain on the floor because the cramping is so bad during my period. I also won’t be getting ulcers from taking 20 Motrin a day. I absolutely cannot believe there are zero GOP lawmakers who have experienced

When ever I hear thew term catch a dick I imagine a girl running with a baseball glove and a uniform from a league of their own trying to catch a huge dildo and just being thrilled when they make the catch.

A HS friend’s mom wouldn't let her hang out with me because she said I was wild. I saw her a few years ago and told her maybe if she had let her daughter hang out with me, she wouldn't have married a dude with a huge swastika tattoo that covers his entire chest.

My friend, a very organized and responsible take-charge type, took her own reproductive responsibilities upon her teenaged shoulders as soon as she started getting some, and requested birth control options from her gynecologist..... for her pains, she got a “slut” lecture from this gynecologist.

“Put some clothes on Julie.”

I think motherly fits; there are mothers and then there are mothers. You will know if you have the latter.

I had a nun who ran my dorm (yay catholic college) and she pulled this. She looked over all of us freshman year and said “I know right now which one of you are rulebreakers and which ones aren’t.”

I had an old friend who said that same thing. She also had a flat ass and two kids so you would think she would know that it wasn’t true.

My mom told me you could tell who had lost their virginity because their butts would suddenly get bigger.

I’ve been over at Free Republic this morning. One thing they’ve always done is be on the same page about their support. Pick the craziest goober running, and that’s who Free Republic supports. But Trump is burning that place down, too. I’ve NEVER seen that crew fight among themselves. It’s fucking glorious.

To a subset of mothers, “motherly” means “entirely up in and controlling of my daughter’s vagina.”

“So, are you girls virgins? I can tell Julie is not because look at her exposed ankles. That’s the mark of a hussy. Put some clothes on Julie.”

“In hindsight, a few of the thoughts I shared, while well-intended, may have come across as more motherly than what they would expect from their state representative,” she wrote. “If anything I said offended them or made them feel uncomfortable, I apologize.”