
“a slight error in judgement”???? Nonono, a slight error in judgement is not doing your laundry and only having mismatched socks and that one really itchy shirt you’re not sure why you still own to work. Taking a rape victim on a ten-hour bar crawl and then trying to rape her? That’s fucking premeditated. He planned

Yeah, definitely icky. Not gonna argue with you there.

I have little experience in this area, so honestly, you have a point and I don’t know, just that it was a really ill-advised move on both their parts.

This reminds me of a conversation I once had, with a man I was fond of and respected, about the rape laws in the the Torah. He pointed out that the man who was convicted of rape was being forced to marry his victim and therefore had to live with the consequences. I stared at him for a very long time, trying to figure

She was drunk. Drunk people, adults or minors, cannot give true consent.

That angle in the photo makes that woman look like a troll about to eat the photographer’s children, and that expression is her idea of a fair warning before her sudden and violent consumption of their offspring.

The French Revolution.

People forget that rats are voracious omnivores. The only reason they haven’t devoured the world by now is because they’re so small. They will legit eat ANYTHING.

I’ve always felt that rape and sexual abuse sentences should be similar to the kind you get for murder. After all, the logic for the former is a life for a life, right? How is rape any different, even when the victim is still alive? You’ve still done traumatic amounts of damage. Maybe sentence them like attempted

G0dammit, South Carolina. Get your shit together. Are you horribly racist or not? Decide already!

I did not know this. That’s really interesting. Also, I fully support your username. It is spotted through my texts to friends and scrawled in the margins of my notebooks.

Man, that sucks. Smoke damage is a bitch. I hope they can rebuild soon.

I thought that too!

Or you could just do what I do, and inform everyone scandalized by your lack of knowledge about these things that you have better things to do with your time. Like play video games. Or marathon shows on Netflix. Or read books.

I’m glad! Hope your life goes better than it did

May I add that I hope he has died a slow and painful death for what he put you through? Just some sympathy from a stranger on the internet. Don’t want to make you uncomfortable.

When I was in middle school, Project Keepsake came to teach us sex Ed. Now, I went to a school for kids with learning disabilities, which this woman, like many people, assumed that that meant we were all idiots. Since she treated us like that right off the bat, none of us were going to listen to her or anything she

I was going to look to see if anyone had compiled a list of Jezebel nicknames for Trump after I finished this article, and then your comment appeared on my screen, gleaming gold and singing with divine light.

I want to work there.

And then we torture them and perform inhumane experiments on them like the kind that came to light at the Nuremberg Trials? Historical precedent? Fuck that, Trump’s got historical revisionism paired with his racism and Islamophobia