
Turok is that you?

What about Randy Newman?

The 3DS doesn't do a good job scaling DS games for three reasons:


Kid learned a lesson, always get a dog. Cats are ass holes.

Hah. Judging by the gif, I think I missed that episode. Boy, am I lucky!

Back in my day, you had to go to the wrong side of town with $5 cash to get peed on, this goddamned ingrate is upset about getting it free?

Guys, I think you're all missing something important here. Blue Shells have been added to Smash Bros.

It's no longer safe, even in Smash Bros...

This is kind of fucked up.

Yes you are the only one.

look everyone, this guys sucks at smash brothers

They probably need to recreate almost everything in the original gameworld using polygons in a modern engine, as they were made mostly using voxels.

Is Rube Goldberg playing?

Opposite end of the spectrum; luckiest Dark Souls player.

Nintendo considers three driver Mario Kart.
3² is 9.
Mario Kart 9 confirmed!

Definitely. But many developers turn it down in order to go multi-plat with ps3/360 and ps4/xbone thinking it will bring in more cash stacks, which it probably does. But it goes to show a lot developers will cut corners just to increase profit. Look at Conduit for the Wii for example, that game really pushed the

Make me!

I see Zoidberg!

Megalodon dissapeared

hidden the best way I know how