
Unfortunately PC is not a traditional platform. It never was and never will be. It’s a platform of platforms. This is coming from someone who’s been on PC since 1999. So saying a game is 100% readily available on your PC to purchase is a misnomer. Plenty of PC games are no longer available to buy on PC as a result of

Nintendo patched that. Modders have long but confirmed it. Literally the first gaming company to successfully patch a hardware issue with a software patch

So are you someone I also reported for squid bagging on Splatoon becauseyou managed to splat me while I was covering your base with ink? 

I wouldn't complain. But why complain about not being able to taunt? 

If I remember correctly too. Many tournaments for smash also ban taunting. 

What this generally implies is that there will be a prequel game for Breath of the Wild OR a game that merges the other timelines together.

InB4 A Link Between Times on the Breath of the Wild engine

Tell that to those who delid CPUS jackass

Monster Hunter XX had a feature which allowed you to make any armor set look like another armor set in game.... They completely omitted that QOL change. Now we’re back to McGangBang style MH armor sets for good skills

No you stop...

You are showing your lack of knowledge on the subject. Don’t even bother replying. I only replied to make your comment visible so other people can see how stupid you look.

You’re wrong. I figured this out way back in Windows 10 infancy. Its the same thing they implemented in Windows 8. Considering I also have my Windows 10 certification. The amount of useless shit I know about it is well beyond the scope of some peoples minds

Or update your PC.... That’s why it wakes up

Here’s a better solution Kirk.... UPDATE YOUR PC

I’ve had this debate before with American conservatives.... Even from a Canadian perspective they still assume they’re the best country in the world and should be admired for it. I’ve nearly blocked good friends because they called me a communist because I don’t believe their alt-right views (mind you these people

You can only be a ghost so many times

I mean, a lot of you Americans tend to go about claiming the internet is a right, but immediately turn face when something you dont agree with is on it. I believe in moderated access to sites and sign ups and such. But for a charity event, even the bullshitters are going to be part of the subbed crowd, If you want to

It is pretty lackluster, but im still watching. Ad-block is off for this as well.

You’d be surprised.

A portion of those subs go to charity, and Twitch gets a cut, just like every other partner.

Or you know, click the > in the top left of chat to hide it.

I’m anti-censor, but im also against people that want to force changes on to others. You cant change someone’s behaviours because you dont agree with it. People have to want to change.  

Stats that no one but the channel owners have access to.