
All this does is hurt their donations. While I am watching without subbing. I know plenty of people donate because they can participate in chat with all the fun little things. Last year around peak times they averaged between 200-300k in viewers, this year is going between 100-200k.

AGDQ and SGDQ are about community

Lets look at it this way...

It allows you to log in with it. But it also allows you to create a Nintendo Network account and merge your wallet from your NNID. Nintendo had set this shit up for MONTHS before the Switch came out and no one bothered to set up their accounts...

The difference is that the NNID is baked in to the 3DS and Wii U at this point. The ID system isnt baked in on Switch

Very likely how the NNIDs were set up doesnt play nice with the new system. Honestly I like the system we have now on the Switch. The big difference between the Wii U/3DS and the Switch is the support for more modern security methods such as two-factor authentication. On top of that being able to move your account and

Sony has been pretty bad about it’s former catalogue since the PS3. PS1 games have spotty compatibility issues and PS2 games past a certain model dont even work... Now they have the hardware to emulate PS2 and PS1 and PSP games damn well and they still give people this paltry selection and STILL expect people to buy

Lets look at it this way. He agrees with the ban. He knew it was an inappropriate name. Very likely he will unbanned after a couple of weeks. The fact that bullshit like “Snigger” and “Jigger” passes the filter still dumbfounds me. The shitlording and the squidbagging needs to stop in this game.

His whole response is that of someone who was caught in a lie and is trying to piss it away by making up new facts.

Honestly, this guy must watch Bill O’Reilly because those sexual assault allegations against him are “Baseless.”Made worse by the fact of the Spain issue where he says “All sense of normalcy is gone.”


I’ve heard kids with significantly worse mouth’s than felix’s. I’m not even a fan of him, but this shit is ridiculous 

You know you guys perpetuate the media that loves to attack people for word use.... Christ, I mean this in the kindest sense of the word. You guys are a bunch of cucks. Don’t even get me started on the other side of the fence either. They’re just a bunch of edgelord Trump worshipping cucks.

This is half the problem.

It’s understandable. Kinja or whatever they use is pretty shirty

Yeah, no it wont. The only thing that will cause your SNES to overheat is a fire. The NES, SNES and N64 consoles practically are just passthrough devices for many of the games.

Unless you’re quoting them, and if that’s the case actually quote it instead of copy/pasting that shit

Edit: Yeah, quotations would be nice

Actually its a very heat resistant type of polymer plastic. It shouldnt bend at all. The Switch doesnt make enough heat to bend it either

The real question is. Are people blaming the console heat or the fact that these are console defects? The dont really impede the ability to play? Mine rarely leaves the dock and I havent had a single issue like this

Hell when i did the first thermal paste replacement on my PS3 after 10 years it shipped without 4

That’s funny because I seen 10 the other day at my Walmart. Bare in mind, i’m Canadian and you’re in a country that has a massive consumer base.

Have you not seen? Apparently Sony fanboys are going nutso bananas over World. Besides, Switch is region free, it’s not like it matters much. On top of that, unlike Sony, I can actually use my Visa on the Japan eShop.

I’ve heard people say Toronto is pretty bad with trying to get a Switch... But my city. I literally walked in to Walmart to see 10 on display and spilling over in to the PS4 shelf, which also had full stock

Checkerboard 4k is basically upscaling a lower resolution to 4k. And in this case the highest the Pro can support natively is 2k. One X is looking to be a native 4k monster and going by Digital Foundry’s experience with the console (and they have had hands on) it’s something that Sony should be afraid of.

K, im looking at facts fanboy. Keep riding that sony pony dick

Their sales are slowing down and it’s pretty evident especially since it hasnt sold like the last 3 years before.