
Echo this. My PC will wake itself from hibernate multiple times a night if it has an update scheduled that it wants to install, but can’t because of the lock screen. I finally changed the active hours to 12 noon to 6:00 am, so now it’ll update while I am at work instead of when I am trying to sleep. Curse you RGB

I fixed it for you.

I really have to give Microsoft props for how they handle compatibility.

If he really cared about the neogaf community he would step down to relieve the site of his controversy and not try to use it as a platform to attack the victim.

And I take it he didn’t even preorder so he wasn’t even promised a unit.

The Wii was kind of positive though. It means it’s popular and the system was not at fault, per se. And we can add “Switch, no VC and web browser at launch”.

And it’s not like you can just pick up your Wii U and play it on the bus!

The Wii is the only system to have virtual console at launch. Neither the WiiU or 3DS had VC when they launched.

Seeing how shit the VC has been on the last two systems, I don’t understand what made people think they were going to launch this thing with some epic VC content if any at all.

You clearly powdered the internet and snorted it off the back of a toad

I hope the reception involves them opening one gift, followed by the opening of a vastly better version of the same gift immediately afterwards.

Monster Hunter G Generation

cant wait till December of 2017 when we finally get Monster Hunter XXX. Capcom finally acknowledges that sect of MH fandom.

Who said I wanted to live in a bubble? I was personally addressing the fact that you haven’t moved on, even though you claimed to, by the fact that you still post often in threads about Nintendo games. You, my dear are the one who started this rolling by claiming that you’ve moved on when your first post boils down to

“Words. Style. Movement. Love.”

There are no fetch quests in Monster Hunter though. Well, some early quests are but those are part of the tutorial and shouldn’t be taken as part of the main objectives for the game. Otherwise, you’re either killing or trapping monsters for quests.

To me it screams “keeping service costs down and not wasting space and money on levels no one likes/plays”

Please, there are tons of ways for you to promote your level. Twitter, Facebook, forums, the countless groups that are made because nobodies like us have a hard time getting their level out there compared to the youtubers and streamers who make shitty levels but their sheep will do anything for them. If your level

I think you might be the chillest person I’ve talked to on Kotaku lol. Yeah if I had Mt. Money, I’d own them all lol, but unfortunately Mt. Money isn’t real.