
Really? is MHX a downgrade from 4G then? Because MH4U looks waaay better on N3DS compared to 3DS. Huge bump in texture resolution and framerate.

That’s not really relevant, though.

Obviously, Linkle is the love child of Link and Tingle.

What John Cena one? I can’t see him.

That’s fucking brutal. Dethlok would be proud.

I love this attitude, the people who seem to defend ZQ and AS seem to be very uptight and aggressive about it, specially when you disagree with them.

Just because one side is a bunch of assholes doesn’t make her a good person. Glad that I upset you, though, you obnoxious prick.

Oh boy. A film based on Gamergate and that paints Zoe Quinn as some kind of noble hero/victim? I just threw up in my mouth a little.

I can’t see how this won’t be anything but extremely biased and one sided considering the people involved in the project. Kind of scary how the mainstream media is so entangled with this too. I don’t wish anyone anything bad to happen to them. But just political disagreements shouldn’t be equated to actual harassment

Hey man. It’s my gosh darn American right to be able to view titties. Next think you know, the gov’ment be kicking down my door to take my porn.

Investing in an external HD for my every-so-often console seems goofy.

I really don’t get the whole idea of people raging that they don’t have enough space.

Wii U support most 3rd party USB hard drives, or SATA drives in an enclosure. PS4 doesn’t.

You can always add an external HDD to the Wii U, some people would argue that’s more user friendly than asking to open the PS3-4 and manually replace it.

For what it’s worth, plugging in an external hard drive is pretty easy with the WiiU and then the problem disappears. I recently ran into having to do this, but now I am running smoothly again.

Hint: You can do this on Xbox One as well!

You’ve missed all of the people mad as hell that it doesn’t support add on hard drives.

As an ACTUAL Tax Man for my deeply conservative states tax commission I can tell you that your statement entirely depends on if Geralt is a corporation or not. Major company? Didn’t see nuthin’ lower income family of four? Get the van, boys.

Metroid is in fact not THAT successful. In Japan it’s not even successful and in the western countries it’s only ok. Zelda is a bit more successful but it’s very similar.