
Friends is over


Happy to make my daughter love princesses like Peach and Zelda before Cinderella and Snow White.

I don't get why someone would comment on somthing before even reading anything other than the headline.

Nintendo does this right all the time. Local multi. Beers, snacks, a couple friends. Perfect.

LoZ Wind Waker is not a 20 year old game, and $100 is a lot of money; that's 25% less than the PS4. I guess when you get your facts straight, and look at it in an objective manner, your point, surprisingly, doesn't hold that much water.

That's some cool looking cloud computing right there. Take that Azure!

Rainbow Road...we meet again.

I always read "get some" in a Duke Nukem voice...just thought I'd share that.

We're all winners. All of us. All of us whom bore witness to this glorious contesting.

Little kids get to play on an even playing field with adult strangers these days. That's the weirder thing.

Unity would not be capable of running on Wii U. Comet obviously would, though, so we'll see whether or not Ubisoft decide to fund that port. Technically, Ubisoft haven't even announced Comet yet.

I'm not sure that I share your faith in MK8 selling a million new consoles right away, though.

As for the rest of your

This escalated quick LOL.

I want it all to flash a couple times and disappear in a deeply fulfilling manner while cheerful music plays.

It's essentially a Prison for Haxors.

I jumped on and this freaked me the fuck out. Didn't expect it at all.

Nothing said will real in the tempered hatred of the Internet children.