
I just hope their algorithm is good enough to filter out bad ratings from people who are upset you beat them in a game. It happens way more than it should

AHAHAHAHAHA suffer with me fools!

Iwata: 'Ok, screw it... The problem of our Wii U is a lack of games? We'll give our loyal fans games! Even if third party takes the long walk.... Guys, get all of our old Nintendo-favourites on the Wii U!'

I can play Golden Sun on my TV? Score.

I mean I'm not loyal to either console brand (still debating whether I'll go XBone or PS4 when I upgrade a year from now) but as someone who has been both a PC and console gamer at various points in my life, I definitely understand the appeal of consoles and it's where I lean these days. I don't have to deal with

I know this is an extreme example, but shit like this is why most console gamers balk at joining the PC Master Race. I could buy all three next-gen consoles and a new 60 inch 3D TV for the price of this single video card. Jesus Christ.

Nope, Turns Out Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Is Not Better With A Mouse & Keyboard

So soon everybody can see for himself how disappointing Banjo Kazooie : Nuts and Bolts was.

I have two retail copies of Wind Waker for two Nintendo platforms in my house, but most times, whenever I get the urge to play it, I play it on PC via emulation. Such is the convenience, and added visual firepower, of the personal computer.

Sorry. Had to do it.

Also I'm running a seminar on how to Internet comment at the highest level at the ramada inn room 212 near the airport. Grape drink and pizza combos will be provided for all attendees. IMO

Challenger Approaching!

This can only mean that if you hack the Cucco too much, imminent doom will turn the skies black with their wings.

Final boss detected.

Abandon all hope. The chickens are coming.

What's weird is that it appears to be an off-monitor photo, for a console that has a freaking screenshot button right there on the controller.

my god it's terrifying!


Why not.