
I, for one, welcome our inevitable cheeseburger apocalypse.

A bit ironic now that you mention it, but in this game the smell of mold is usually a very bad thing, as this is a world where spores tend to help make people into mindless, mushroom-sprouting-in-the-head zombies....

It must be so nasty. My nose is cringing just thinking about it.

Does anyone else use Gamestop as a bank? I got really pissed off with US Bank because I kept overdrafting my account even though I opted out, and the same thing happened with my credit union when I got a debit card. Now whenever I get paid I go preorder a whole shitload of games. Whenever I need money, I go to the

Seriously, the internet is full of these tall tales and 'lifehacks' and they are all complete rubbish.

This might apply here

Shouldn't it be called "Attack on heart"?

LOL !Recommended for making me laugh out loud. I read that in the sassiest voice..

Stares at gtx670, checks bank account, sighs

What's more, this is just one of two major Assassin's Creed games that will be out later this year, according to a number of sources. Unity will be for the current-gen consoles—Xbox One and PS4—while a second game, possibly called or code-named Comet, will be released on Xbox 360 and PS3. Presumably one or both

The Oculus Whiff.

The Oculus Rip.

Gosh darn it! I read wrong! Thought it said "What an 8-bit brawler With Adam Sessler Would Look Like".... Internet, make it happen!

As if I'm not blind enough already from enough screens. I don't get this obsession with putting TVs on our eyes.

PSDildo Head.

Nothing at all, sir! 'Tis my favorite sitcom. :D

Sadly, the full-sized version is too big.

I think it's funny.

Please don't let Bob see this article.
