
I can't express the grief I experienced in my young heart when the volcano prop didn't kill the Safety Inspector.

Wait...18 years ago?! Please tell me that's a typo, and I am, in fact, not THAT old?

Fuck you too.

So now I have to pay 10 dollars more for MLB The Show and 50 dollars more for the machine to play it on? Yes, I understand international currency markets & all that shit. Still lame though.

"The PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system delivers phenomenal play experiences that will shape the world of games for years to come and has quickly become the next gen console of choice with gamers in Canada. To respond to changes in the market environment, the price of PlayStation 4 will be revised from CAD

Yes, they do. GST and HST. Depending on what province you're in, it can be anywhere from five to fifteen percent on the dollar.

Thanks Harper. Douchebag...


Added at point of sale, which pisses off the rest of the world where sane pricing prevails.

The amount of people in this video who are willing to fuck around near train tracks is infuriating.

Not sure whether to clap or have a heart attack.

Of course it depends on the person... :/

They'd be shitty businessmen if they didn't know and respect what their competitors were doing.

Ah, don't give up! There are definitely ways that a certain type of video game can be constructive and helpful... It really is all about the content and intention.

i don't think you need to be a corporate exec to afford all 3 consoles.

Yup... us old timers actually refer to that as "pulling a sega". I would argue that the second point is equally foolish. I don't think I've ever heard anyone complain that there are too many Mario/Zelda/Metroid games... EVER. They are all of an exceptional quality and everyone loves them when they are released. It

I need

So now we live in a world where it's OK to be an asshole because if your douchebaggery is a problem for someone, they're just being overly sensitive?