
And it's a Rhythm game, which is what i expect Spoiler Alert to be also.

Finally a real gamer comments something worth agreeing with!
These fanboy and elitist types are part if the issues with our gaming community, and most wouldn't say "boo" to a ghost but hide behind there alias and beards. Gaming is about enjoying yourself and having fun.. Something's I think these idiots forget that or

Well, to be fair, the standards for construction of buildings in Kyoto are highly rigorous, and any more extravagant thing is promptly barred;

You deserve a cookie :)

nik can i just agree with the real gamer thing, i have an xbox one and 100% of my friends/ people said ohh no dont get it the ps4 man... yeah im a bit disapointed that the grapics are (shitter) than ps4 but i got it for the controller, becuase i had a 360, couldnt be fucked getting used to the ps4, love hal0 4 and im

Thank you. I feel like I'm the only PSWii60 (and a gaming PC) owner whenever I read comments on gaming websites. Can't we all just get along? Do some games look better on PS3 than 360? Yes. Do some games look better on 360 than PS3? Yes. Do most all games look better on PC? Yes. Is any one platform better than the

OR... they are still figuring out how to get the most out of the next gen.

This is refreshing to see. A person who isn't tied to a brand. The way I see it is that gamers should be able to play whatever the fuck they want on whatever the fuck platform they want and if you don't like it then shut the fuck up. Games are supposed to be fun not something that controls your opinions.

As someone who plays both PC and console I say Amen brother. There's way too much unneeded rivalry.

sad but true, there are so few of us REAL gamers anymore. its all PC this, PS4 that, OMG 360 sucks. honestly Real gamers don't care what its on so long as we can play it. oh and guess what FANBOYS I get to play it all lol so have fun with being locked to one system.

the PS4 version will likely look better

It's time to save Cocoon by blowing it up!

whats stupid is that Spider-Man isn't part of the Marvel cinematic universe.

Or some people are lying, lost track of time, or just didn't really know how long it would take to download something that size. Given the choice between taking the word of a developer who has no reason to claim a patch is that big when it is not or a few random people on the internet saying the patch downloaded

*Sigh*...I miss the era where entire games were just 840 MB.

I know these are fakes, but I can still feel my soul dying a little bit.

Really? I thought they would be more like...

Lord Waltemort