
Shit happens, no biggie ^_^

The mere fact that you mentioned "friend codes" make me think you don't even own a Wii U and are merely trolling just for hating's sake.

nice reference to the original namesake there.

This is only a reveal, not a release. It will probably be for windows 9 sometime next year.

I like windows 8.1 Sorry if you don't.

Well, in that case go green or go home. Sign me up. I'd dig Netflix on the go in green.

I try to support Ubisoft on the Wii U, but damn, I hated Assassin's Creed 3 so much

don't worry, they left the Wii out for understandable reasons, however I'm sure they still have time to announce DLC for the game for every console but WiiU then complain how it doesn't sell

my situation as well, they have a sale the second it hits wiiu, and i already have it on the pc. this is the kind of game we need to support.

Sticks and stones? I don't know about you man, but me and my friends growing up had the plastic M16s, waterbaloon grenades, cap gun revolvers. We did that up right.

At least they were actually playing... outside, like kids should be.

practically everything now a days can be mistaken for a bomb.

i agree, it definitely wasnt the smartest choice, but I have to comment them, likely a future cosplayer or prop making group of kids here.

Twitch plays candy crush.


"I'm very sneaky sir."

Don't worry, Gabe has a bomb shelter to hide himself from the number 3.

It's March. Third month.

Just did it. I'm gonna go die happy now.