

That's 10,000 retail. You gotta understand that I have to frame it, it's going to take up real estate in my shop, and it'll sit around for a year. I'm the one taking the risk here. I'll go up to 10 dollars, and that's my top dollar. And that's in nice, crisp, single dollar bills that I have sitting in the back.

Owen Good 64

I still confuse! It is Super Mário?

It could be either Centipede, Asteroids, or Donkey Kong.


This simply has to be Satan's Hollow.

Don't be stupid. It's clearly Custards Revenge.

It's Candy Crush Saga.

COD: Ghost?

You're all so fucking dumb! It's clearly Galaga.

Hint: It's actually not Pac-Man.

It's clearly Flappy Bird.

I just saw Cloudy 2 yesterday. It was great!

You got me excited till I saw the word "mobile"

Knock em' dead amakeleven! The fate of hundreds of thousands of gamers lies on your paper. No pressure :B

Pssh… the VCR is so last year. I traded mine in to Gamestop, but they only gave me 4 cents for it! I put it towards a mini-disc preorder.

Haha, I did a research paper on that... oh... 5 years ago now? Would have been much more interesting to do it in today's environment ;P