
In the immortal words of Ludacris...”Move, bitch, get out da way!”

Asian woman driver...just a normal day

And to think people scoffed at me when I said the Supra was basically a Japanese Mustang.

I was literally writing this post while getting fired. A new experience.

I used to have the same complaint but then I realized that I just had to stay off of this site before seeing the race. There’s no other way around it.

given the shit fit the FIA threw when Red Bull brought Max into F1, going so far as to change the rules regarding super licences so as to prevent any sub-18 year old ever getting into F1 ever again, it seems very unlikely that anyone will ever beat his record as youngest winner ever (to join his youngest point scorer

Poor Michael Schumacher. The reason I will never, ever, ever try skiing. Well, that, and that I can’t stand being outside.

Putting on my IT person hat.

How to get a job with the LAPD.

Also, Dude, Chinese fire drill is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian Evacuation Simulation, please.

Elio has a video simulation of what their configurator would look like if they had one.

It was a Steam Sale. It was a moment of weakness. He couldn’t help himself!

$20 says this guy's 'stang was an automatic.

It’s fine as long as you refuse to pay taxes after.

“Feels like you’re always stuck in 2nd gear!”

Alonso walked away “because science”

Aw, there there Lucewheel. Now, I know you two have had your differences in the past, but how ‘bout starting over with a hug from Big Lug?