
Yeah the biggest problem is that it plays out as a huge political thriller for the first half the book and it isn’t till everything starts to break out and Paul and Jessica escape that the book really takes of and the series stays really interesting up until Heratics. Even then because Frank found shorthand after God

Man, God Emperor of Dune is like my second favorite book even ahead of Dune. I’ll spend a years wages seeing the three movies before it in the theater if thought it would impact us in getting a Villeneuve directed God Emperor movie.

Spielberg is rich enough that in theory he would never need money to be comfortable. But at the low single digit billionare, you aren’t so stable that you would turn your attention away from 10-100s of millions in the show. The fact that this also includes his own company that has employees that need to get paid and

That was the title of his new book. 

While I understand that their is a not so insignificant amount of fans that had huge issues with TLJ. TFA Came out a decade after the last Star Wars movie, with the general hatred of those movies still resonating. There was pent up desire for a new take on SW and people flocked to it and its toys. Now whether or not

I get that. But the question is did it create or is it creating. If it was creating at the time then all the functions of the universe should have stopped right? We have gotten told the story of what an Infinity Stone was a couple dozen times. They created that function of the universe and each on holds an infinite

That’s not what the ancient one said. She said that the stone was vital to her defending her realm and that if Bruce left with the stone, her realm would be a split of timeline where she would not have the stone to do her job. That’s what the corrupted timeline was, not about the stones removal completely. It was that

Isn’t this really simple. GC means Grand Coupe. Which means large 2 door car. Where it so obviously doesn’t fit it with 4 door versions. Whereas GT means Grand Tourer. Which in the end its major value is supposed to be extremely sporty but comfortable (for long trips). The Mazda even if not the sportiest or most

For starters it’s the only allegory you are going to get. This is the X-men, there story is always using their story as an allegory for the down trodden.

Compression and compression related macro artifacts could explain a lot of issues. Outside Jon and Dany going through the thick of the snow blizzard, I had no problems with viewing it, though I was running it in a pitch black room on a 75"inch 4k TV with localized dimming (as I do each episode). But it looked as good

Old cap was already at her funeral. Do you really want to see your soulmates funeral twice?

Widow’s wail, Joffery’s sword made from Ice. Brienne had the one originally given to Jamie called Oathkeeper. 

As a Lions fan, this has been the killer. He looks like the real deal where Ebron was a choice made to fill a role they thought they had to fill. I am totally on board but stupid Lions fans will always remember that time they screwed up and never let up. No Stafford because of Harrington, no WR (even Calvin at the

Car ownership and car parking are so expensive in China that I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a camera two feet to the right perfectly positioned on the Audi.

That’s the key really. I probably am a bit of an outlier on how many I subscribe too, but I am also a sharer so it’s worth it. But I pretty much have Sling for 3 VOD sections, Netflix for most viewing, Amazon for Prime but also watch a couple shows, HBO for 3 shows,  CBS for 3, and disney when it comes for everything.

That’s the rub isn’t it with profit. Tesla maybe able to survive for a while longer as a carbon credit seller. But Tesla had to survive off of car priced well out of general consumer pricing to survive with managable losses compared to investment money and carbon credits. But they are losing money on their consumer

God I had to read through about 30 of these before anyone came close to mentioning that both of them are wearing a infinity something or other in that shot (well it’s not a gauntlet and there is more than the rings). I absolutely love them throwing in something like that. 

That’s was my answer. Get a super large TV (75"), with dynamic lighting, in an almost completely totally dark room. End result is everything is awesome and easy to see no matter how it was shot (well outside shaky cam). 

I don’t know about all 6 million, but in Michigan it’s highly needed to help control the population and to keep them out of the city. Otherwise a lot more would starve through the winters or end up as a decal on a car. 

Probably something in Grand River. It got me all the way up in Lansing when I was growing up. I mean my dad didn’t even like sports and I still ended up a Lions fan.