
I was hoping that the Mountain would have Robert Baratheon’s head sown onto his body.

“Statement: you are being watched. The Empire has a secret system, a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I know because my master built it. He designed The Machine to detect acts of rebellion, but it sees everything. Violent crimes involving ordinary people, people like you, meatbag. Crimes the Empire

That’s a way more advanced aerial maneuver than a sky dick.

There’s more than one Pikachu in the Pokeverse.  The sequel can have room for both Reynolds and DeVito in a Detective Pikachu role.


That’s the inherent problem with a continuation of a beloved character.

No, no, don’t mention The Last Jedi, it’ll bring out the haters. “TLJ made me hate Star Wars. I’m not interested in anything they’re making anymore. I mean, I’ll go see The Rise of Skywalker a few times, but only out of morbid curiosity and so I can say how terrible it was online.” And don’t forget, “I don’t hate

I assume her real mother died of a broken heart.

I’m going to take lessons at the local Ford dealer, they have a sweet Focus RS to teach me in

Was I the only one that saw the frames right before Arya attacked where they show a WW’s hair move. I took that as Arya running full speed past all the WW and jumping at the Night King’s back to catch him off guard. In any other movie/show, this would be where the hero does the same thing except they’re screaming

“she was learning there was house to kill people in sneaky ways that aren’t obvious, not how to be a ninja.”

Seriously, just turn around and walk away.

Bad news for you...

You forgot Tormund Giantsbane’s origin story. It explains why he’s so strong.

This is hilarious and brilliant in its awesome tastelessness. More power to the restaurateur responsible, they deserve this to be an enormous success.

You must be short. Or perhaps have not flown on a plane within the last two decades or so. As a tall person, I will argue against that. Legroom is precious.

I think you are wrong about Endgame casually strolling in and stomping the box office to the ground. Endgame is just going to nuke the box office from orbit, just to be sure.

Go to where there’s a big blank spot on the lore, and you can’t upset a single fan.

Abrams won’t do it if he has any brains. One of the best things about TLJ was the way that Johnson walked into such a shitty set-up (a boring nobody like Snoke as the Big Bad, Rey having a Big Obvious Mystery behind her parentage with no satisfying answers available, Luke being set up as the Great White Hope for the

I am more than just M’Kay with this!