
Huber is lucky to be alive.

Old Italian proverb.

And for you kids watching out there, don't worry.

On a positive note, she wasn't tazed and shot.

Try breathing through your nose.

Dude. Go listen to sportsradio while pleasuring yourself and leave mankind alone. Someday a woman will talk to you. Not any time soon. But some day.

Trailer trash? Wow. Hey, I've got an good idea. Why don't you go fuck yourself?

What does that sportscaster think he is, a Supreme Court Justice?

Wisconsin gets no comments two weeks running. Are you lactose intolerant or what?

Think of all the locker rooms an exhausted Shawn Kemp will have to visit.

This is the kind of lens on lens contact that is going to kill photography.

Marking the first time in a century that France has won a battle.

It's going to take more than one man to jump that ass.

Being unable to skate is great for your J cred in The Cities.

Circle penis touching? No? Look at the picture and tell me that shouldn't

I would respectfully submit that it is a charged word that no one should use. As soon as you create words that only certain people can use, it's a problem. Further, the word in question saturates hip hop culture to the point that there are far too many people who either have the wrong cultural and historical context,

It is the variety of vaginas that makes them endlessly fascinating. Hello.

She won Miss OverSings 2013. Congrats you little tiresome warbler you.

In three years? Dead.

This will honor all the NCAA and NFL athletes who have served our country in Iraq and Afghanistan.