1980 USSR vs. USA. Do you believe in mircales? YES
1980 USSR vs. USA. Do you believe in mircales? YES
After more than 12 hours of deliberations, a jury in Dauphin County (Pa.) this afternoon found former Penn State…
DONALD FAGEN and WALTER BECKER are sitting with DR. ELLIOT PELLMAN, reviewing the doctor’s application for a medical advisory position at Bard College.
PELLMAN: As you can see, my qualifications are impecc—
BECKER: I’m gonna stop you right there.
FAGEN: Whoa... [scanning page] ... Guadalajara…
For what its worth, Madison is a small town and likes to gossip about UW so and so’s. You know it is a new year in Madison when there is a new rumor that Barry Alvarez knocked a girl up. If the rumors are true Barry has about 10 illegitimate kids. Not saying Bo didn’t do whatever, but I’d take it with a huge grain of…
That was also literally every rumor I ever heard about Bret Bielema when I lived in Madison.
I’m surprised the cops even bothered to use video since it was in portrait mode.
I wonder if the stenographer recorded that.
The idea that the fix was in is completely ludicrous. So much to lose for very little gain. I look at Goodell and think he couldn't possibly be that stupid right? And then I'm not sure...
This trick play is called "the Statue of Sadaam."
If Barkley's mom swung a switch like he swings a golf club, I am pretty sure his ass was the safest place behind the woodshed.
Have you seen porcupine eating?
So a guy who dresses up in a fifteen year old replica Jets jersey and takes a Jets minibus to a Jets game turns out to be a misanthropic murderer who stabs people in alleys? Color me stunned.
And could it be that the popularity of baseball contributes to violence in the US?
2013 Don Draper is much more bitter than 1960 Don Draper.
They're the white whales of this phase of the steroid era.