
Au contraire mon frère, there are countless videos to be found of dogs doing stupid ass shit. Cats know immediately where to go to the bathroom and how to get food. Cats are more difficult if not impossible to train, but doesn’t that make them smarter? Also, I’ve no stakes in this, but we’re still fighting!!! ARGH!!

Fancy Feast is poop! Best thing about Fancy Feast is the commercials lol, fluffy ass white cat eating on nicer dishes than I own.

If puppy’s were so smart, they wouldn’t shit everywhere and could feed themselves. Puppies are not smarter than kittens, dogs are not smarter than cats. We're fighting now, I will fight you!!

I love kittens. Who doesn’t? I have two cats I kinda wish were still kittens. But this seems kinda, unsafe? Like aren't the kittens gonna pee/poop all over the drivers car? And then they're just taken to any old crazy bird? Or they could contract a disease? Idk, I'm fuckin weird and blue today.

Hey, OLED is hella nice, but...

Yea, too early. I don't even know what to say. Fuckin creepy.

Robertwigs? But then that just sounds like Robert's Wigs... I don't know. This is tough.

I thought lifting girls skirts was only something high school kids did in ‘80’s movies? I find it really fuckin creepy that dudes actually do this? Too early in the am for my brain to process this weird ass info.

Yes, my word choice can be poor or flat out wrong. But my choice of words don’t mean I’m not open minded or progressive.

That’s probably true. I’d just really like to see her get something on Netflix, something where she’s free of ad space and sponsors. At this rate she might end up running ABC. I’m personally just not a big fan of the major 3 networks (NBC, ABC, CBS) so I’m just itching for her to try somewhere else, just my personal

Well I’d buy that cuz I love the little golden books, and I love fruit snacks. I love, LOVE fruit snacks.

Do you fall off drunk as fuck at the end?

I'd rather her get work on another station where she gets a bigger budget and fewer episodes a season to work with. That aside, I'm pretty glad that a woman (and a poc) is gaining so much clout that they can get so many shows off the ground.

Don't forget about the foods. Jenga: The Movie the Game the Musical the Book the Kingdom Hearts Breakfast Cereal. Gotta get that food market.

I remember when Ridley Scott was attached to this about 8 years ago. Fuck Monopoly. I want the Jenga Movie. Then I want the game version, Jenga the Movie the Game.

Man, my celebrity game is slipping. I'm out of the loop with a lot of this stuff, and I don't give a fuck about a lot of these celebs. Where's the Charlie Sheen craziness? Ben Affleck is boring as shit.

Well yes, if I was born a hermaphrodite! I just meant that as a guy having my bits and pieces operated on sounds terrifying, and samesies if I were a woman. Mouth and genitals, keep your sharp and pointy objects away from those areas!!

I’m not a huge plastic surgery fan. For people getting cosmetic surgery after accidents and stuff, I get it. Or people who have always been unhappy with a feature. I’d never get plastic surgery, too afraid I’ll end up looking like that cat lady or Kenny Rogers. I’d be super scared having surgery on my average sized

What, this is so shocking...