Not true, it also potentially gets more viewers to tune into their shitty show that people are no longer watching, The Voice. NBC is probably paying them to act like they are secretly dating.
Not true, it also potentially gets more viewers to tune into their shitty show that people are no longer watching, The Voice. NBC is probably paying them to act like they are secretly dating.
That'll work too!!
You and I are definitely Bonobos. We can fuck and trade food while all these chimps are beating each other up for no good reason.
I am a firm believer in that people who get drunk and get naked and dance or get in fights would do those things anyways. Alcohol doesn’t necessarily make people do things they wouldn’t always do. This guy might have punched plenty of other ladies, not sure the booze made him extra punchy. But I am with you on getting…
Oh I've for sure wanted to become a serial puncher and just go on punching sprees. But to actually do it? And the real desire to inflict pain on strangers, just isn't that strong in me. I'd rather shit in their pants.
Man, what is with people and their aggression issues? Only shit that makes me mad enough to punch it is my phone, or computer. I don’t think anyone has made me mad enough to punch them, let alone a stranger. Though when I have seen strangers being shitty to other strangers, I’ve gotten involved and that could escalate…
When millions of dollars are potentially on the line, I don’t put it past anyone to do sneaky, heinous ass shit. Sure, doubtful that a Hockey team would do this, if this was a top tier NFL or NBA player, I wouldn’t doubt it at all. People who have millions of dollars do not like parting with millions of dollars. But…
I’m not insinuating anything, speculating at best. Plus, paying off someone to not testify is a felony, but you say that as if that deters people from doing it. Do you really think it’s out of the realm of possibility that a sports team valued at tens of millions of dollars with endorsements on the line would pay to…
Peanut Pickle, or Peanut Butter Banana, followed closely by fried Spam and Egg, and Pastrami.
I love giving oral sex to ladies. In fact, I miss it quite a bit. I might be weird, but I prefer to give and receive oral sex more than regular intercourse. I just find it more enjoyable.
It totally is. Especially if there is a mirror in your line of site, you just realize how alone you are...
Can’t dudes just jerk off in Toys R Us bathrooms like a normal person?
Well this is all tricky. Maybe she was paid off by the player and or team to keep quiet, maybe she lied, maybe she just got scared or was getting harassed? I don't know, so many variables. Hard to have an opinion on this when so much seems to be at play.
Well I still like your Leeloo avatar so I can forgive your love of cilantro, you being the Fifth Element and all.
We are just on completely different wave lengths lol!
And you certainly don't like being outdoors and getting dirty.
Me too. It's basically what my dinners are daily. I'm a Wendy's man myself, followed very closely by Taco Bell.
Hahahaha, for me, Piper was the worst part of last season. I mean, I know she’s not supposed to be very likeable, she’s very spoiled and selfish and changes her mind constantly. But holy hell I wanted bad stuff to happen to her. Some shows really are better for binge watching, some shows you binge watch you don’t form…