I can’t believe how desperately I am clinging to the idea that the Gwen/Blake matchup is a celebrity contract designed to garner attention after their respective divocres and nothing more. Please, do not let this be real.
I can’t believe how desperately I am clinging to the idea that the Gwen/Blake matchup is a celebrity contract designed to garner attention after their respective divocres and nothing more. Please, do not let this be real.
When are women NOT heavily photoshopped for magazines? If you don’t want that to happen, get something in writing before you pose. This is old news and has been happening for a squintillion years (as adultosaur would say). If you aren’t being proactive, I don’t believe your complaints afterwards.
I think what really alarms me from this is that she’s already “acceptably” skinny in the original photos. And the degree to which they Photoshopped her is actually a really shitty job—it just looks like they squished the “fat” parts of the image in, without considering how that would warp the rest of the image. C-.
I gave you a star but I really wanted to punch it into your forehead.
The only time I’ve gotten physically angry with someone within the last 10 years (so essentially, high school and college) has been because they’ve physically threatened or touched a good friend of mine (most people don’t fuck with me, being an ex-rugby player and all). Of those few altercations, only one devolved…
I’d rather have them shit their pants and not be able to change.
Yeah; seems to override some inhibition mechanism.
Drunk people are assholes. It’s why I drink at home where I’m not mixing it up with other drunk assholes.
How would you get in their pants?
I, on the other hand, want to punch 95% of the people I meet.
Also, alcohol.
I almost got into a fight this past weekend. A male cousin of my female friend stole from said friend about 3 years back and tried to blame me for it. I never liked him to begin with, seeing as he’s a chronically unemployed piece of shit who steals from people and won’t get a job to take care of his kid, but…
Jerking off in a bathroom (if you’re not showering or taking a bath) must be the saddest thing in the world.
The most reasoned, thoughtful response I've read.
I wouldn’t be surprised if if was a combination of all the above. Any time you accuse a sports star of anything, you automatically face a mountain of scrutiny-especially in the age of the internet.
Having been through a rape trial, there’s thousands of reasons your average victim would be discouraged from moving forward with charges, let alone when it’s so high profile. I’m actually always a little stunned when victims sacrifice themselves to go through with it, because it is truly awful.
AHHH YESSS I forgot about this. Fuck. Now I have to wait until 5 to leave work and go watch.
Oh god it was soooooooo good. Sam Raimi knocked it outta the park! And Bruce can do no wrong in my eyes.