Al b sure

Thanks, Ivanka.

What is your argument? Is the inner city there not a hellhole? Do you think the shooting statistics are made up? Would you walk your liberal white ass down the streets of the south side and feel safe?

Idiot Kickers:

Calling out hot takes has become a hot take.

Ah, sportsmanship. To everyone who complains that kids don’t have it anymore... I say you don’t remember the past very well. Nothing new going on here.

Never kick a man when he’s down.

“This is EXACTLY what I, Donald J Trump, have been talking about. We need to take back High School football and can only do it if you vote TRUMP!”

“And with the first pick in the 2022 draft, the Dallas Cowboys select...”

And I believe that flash flood warning was prompted for the waves of hot takes that are about to rush in.

That truly sucks. I may not be a fan of his but no one deserves to go through that pain, especially those poor children. My condolences to him and his family.

Or it’s reported on a daily basis.... if you don’t know why don’t you shut the fuck up? There are devastating stories of shootings on the news every night.

To be fair, I imagine it’s hard for him to break the habit of sitting on the bench in the first place.

As a vet, people who freak out over what a person does during the National Anthem really piss me off. The Constitution gives everyone the freedom of choice and expression. I have one thing to say to those people, shut the F-up!


this is the definitive proof that he is bin laden’s son.

“Pay his respects to the *country* that allowed him to become a millionaire”

How dare Colin Kaepernick disrespect a song once sung by such heroes as Roseanne Barr and Enrico Pallazzo.

This is also another one of those situations where a person will be chastised for not respecting “the country and troops, who gave them freedom.” Because suddenly expression and protest aren’t among those freedoms.

Conservatives on big government: “I made this money with my own hard work, I didn’t need the government’s help.”

Good on the 49ers for their response I would have expected them to say, “He’s still on our team? We thought we traded him already.”