Al b sure

I would even take my brown ass down there shit is a hell hole. Sucks for all those kids who have no choice but to live around that.

Trolls have to troll.

Dude 1928 was during the hey day of the mob. Please bring more relevant info. 2016 has been a bad year in Chicago.

Yeah but comparing it to the last fifteen years this year has been quite lethal. In there first three months they had doubled the murder of the previous year in the same time span.

Poor sportsmanship.

I think he was trying to copy Antonio brown.

No only Caitlyn Jenner is brave.

Bro hug. I feel your pain I'm always trying to learn how to make my dick five inches bigger but these websites always want my social security number.

I stopped when it said “bro-sefa”. I know a shit ton of douche bros and none have ever said that. This has to be Hamilton Nolan peice, being spiteful he always got picked last at gym.

Well that sounds like a wonderful school.

That was the way it was at my school. And this was in 99

Telling like it is

She really isn't perfect though. Hillary and trump are the most unlikable candidates in a long time. She has the unfortunate baggage of her husband, some dumb shit about emails (some say cover up but idgaf), Libya, super predators statment, and Wall Street money. I'm still voting for her because trump is pandering to

Richard Nixon although in his case he was all those things.

Oh wait your a troll. Have fun still believing trump will win. Double figure lost. I bet Gary fucking Johnson takes some states from the Donald.

Ok call me weird but I thought hope looked kinda hot.

But my freedom of speech

It’s like a car wreck, you shouldn’t see it but you still look. I need that Men In Black pen that erases memory.

Dude why?