you can cover (most) of the bills without having to rely on a credit card, personal loan or, increasingly in the U.S.’s bleak financial ecosystem, a fundraiser.
you can cover (most) of the bills without having to rely on a credit card, personal loan or, increasingly in the U.S.’s bleak financial ecosystem, a fundraiser.
Would still watch
“What a strange game. The only winning move is not to play.”
Well, it’s not like the ending could be any worse (narratively) than FC5's was right?
I’m just gonna agree to this whole thing. Elementary is probably the best modern take on Sherlock and Watson, and Sherlock really suffers in comparison. That Watson is allowed to be more than a befuddled sidekick most of the time is a massive bonus as well.
Damn. Where do I know go for my over the top acted and choreographed (English-language) TV show without this and Banshee?
So do we lambast them for not doing enough or do we give them credit for what they did?
Gods yes. That post was such an eye opener to me as to what being poor (in America) was like.
I’m a moderately crappy dad who needs to do better, and godsdammit if this isn’t a truly amazing post.
I’m not sure about a single word, but there are many such terms.
Just imagine the type of upbringing most of these men (and women) have had. Now Gillette, you, and the rest of the modern world is saying that that was wrong?
It may not be that straightforward. A lot of it may just be subconscious on the part of Kondo, as she may have grown up and around that sort of belief and values. She may not actively acknowledge it, or even be aware of it - it’s just ingrained in her.
Sad to hear that happens in your society. Fortunately, it doesnt in mine. Thats why things like “cishets” sound hilarious...
You’re trying to apply an utilitarian usage to a device - language - that’s arisen through social construct. Again, the idea is to remove the value judgement inherent in these standard usages, and to understand that these terms have had a long history of exclusion and of trying to erase a particular subculture.
First time I hear that word. Feels somewhat offensive tho. Or more like an unnecessary word to be honest.
Seriously this. Reminds me of how for Phantom Menace, Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor apparently just could not stop making lightsaber noises. I don’t think there’s any behind the scenes video of that, which is a loss to all of us honestly.
It’s a fake account - he’s trying to duplicate the account of anuother (long-term, non-troll) user:
I think the only honest answer I can give to that question would be that it would be... problematic.