According to his Facebook, that’s a nope.
According to his Facebook, that’s a nope.
Exactly. I mean aside from literally everything Gita Jackson wrote above, I’m so frickin happy it’s not another brown haired stubbled white male lead on the cover:
The point of moderation isn’t to make moral judgments, but to enforce the rules of a given forum.
This isn’t an attack on women. It’s cringe culture
....and the definition of gamer is iffy at best nowadays...
When Swift Wind starts talking.....that was some crazy shit man
I think that’s more a side-effect of binge-watching though - viewed individually, most of them made sense in the traditional kids show perspective, where the storyline has to be wrapped up in a single episode - meet Princess, solve her problem, and get her to join you. Repeat ad infinitum.
There must be balance in the universe
Alyson Tabbitha
Whichever one it is, you can add Fallout 76 there as well. Probably Anthem too.
Oh gods that movie was awful. From editing that didn’t make any sense (characters teleporting from one side of the room to another) to an inane plot (What happened? Why did it happen?) to some really dumb characters... it’s stupid enough to have a robot with a heavy French accent, but why make it’s alt-mode a godsdamn…
But, you see, she’s not smiling enough....
Gods damn yes. Can’t recall specifically seeing her work before, but daaaaamn that’s some fine photography work. Followed.
Nicely done! Erm, are you squinting in the pic, or are the eyebrows covering your eyes? If the latter, like how do you move around???
I couldn’t care less.
Part of me thinks that this fails because the solution thus far almost always seems to be to bring on a Chief Diverstiy Officer or some such who gives good PR, but isn’t given a mandate and power to oactually implement systemic changes - ie to establish an employee code of conduct with enforcement and penalty clauses.
a good HR team
Well, actually, considering that the showrunner is a woman, I think it’s going to be surprisingly common as to how many people think are better at considering the casting implications...
Exactly. And it should be no surprise that in a community of gamers, there are a great deal of trolls ad bad faith actors who live to game any system that they see. A rules lawyer in D&D or a MMO tends to be a rules lawyer in his other interactions as well.
It’s primarily a liability dodge. It allows the service provider to say that they have filters in place, and it’s not their liability for bad info from users (ie people incorrectly entering their birthdates intentionally or otherwise)