
I feel like this is the foundation for a Seinfeld episode where George wants to go to space to gain 3 inches of height.

People with addictive tendencies tend to get addicted to things they enjoy. Who knew?

There is such an overwhelmingly negative and cynical slant to these previews when one considers how well acclaimed films like The Disaster Artist and The Post have been elsewhere.


Leaving my bubble means going to a black owned business? What are you even talking about?

Here’s the simple fact: The Washington Post did journalism the right way, and Jezebel did not.

“This means the fungus might produce a wealth of bioactive compounds that could be of interest in terms of novel drug discovery,” said de Bekker. “I am, thus, very excited about this work!”

Shareholders seem content with Netflix releasing subscriber numbers because after all, that’s where the money comes from. As long as subscriber numbers keep climbing, there won’t be any pressure for more details. And if subscriber numbers drop, the investors will probably just flee without waiting for details.

Huh? I thought it was self-evident why Netflix would not release their own figures.

It’s valuable corporate information that they own. Why give rivals any info when it’s of no advantage? Plus, as you say, inevitably some shows underperform, why generate those headlines?

Oh no, force me to spend $6 and be treated to unlimited shitty, delicious mac & cheese pizza. Fuck you, fuck all of you. Cici’s rules.

You live and then you die and then you rot in a hole—or so say the elites, with their glasses, and their PhDs in

Every opinion you have ever had became invalid the moment you claimed McNuggets were nasty.


People are asking why i’m getting so heated over this.

All this asinine fixation on the Jones act on this site the last 24 hours shows you guys have next to zero experience or exposure to this sort of thing. Long story short, Jones act has fuck-all to do with relief efforts (despite what that awful and loaded article posted earlier states)

It says a lot to me that the majority of people upset by this seem more concerned with the possibility of losing money through loss of revenues than any social concerns. I’m done with Youtube.

Ah, this makes so much sense. All those black guys who died first in every action or horror movie weren’t pushovers, they were just playing on Legendary.

Nothing says “I’m not smug” like calling somebody smug for shopping at a grocery store.