

Put me in, coach. I’ll set them right.

Laughed so much I got light-headed. Gotta love an unexpected laugh like that. I am grateful.

You did your job well with this review. You made me want to buy and play the game. I can dig all the text since Xenogears is my all-time favorite, and it had more dialogue than a lot of books. I just hope my computer can run it.

There is a video of Warrior explaining to TMZ that it was all an act. That he wasn’t really crazy. He had his people videotape TMZ as they were videotaping him, because he said he knew they would edit and twist it to make him look back, so he had a backup plan. They did exactly as he said they would do. The video

Thank you for putting the biggest goofiest smile on my face. ^_^

I specifically remember reading something about the harness was supposed to goof up and leave him hanging as in he was supposed to be suspended in air flailing about. It was supposed to be a parody of the Sting descent. I haven’t seen anyone else mention this.

Charlotte’s Web, Creating Better Days. You can just make your own oil.

Thank you for sharing. When we’re asleep our minds are fully active. In lucid dreams like the ones you had to the mind it’s as real as you reading this comment. You feel like it really happened, because to your mind it did. I’m sorry you experienced some unsettling dreams that still seem to haunt you. I am glad you

You don’t know that. You just assume he’s only trying to make money and further his own ego.

Thank you.

You have a beautiful point in that his idea could have Sparked another idea for future rescues. Everything else as well, but I didn’t automatically think about his idea being built upon into something even better.

He tried. He came up with a plan and followed through with it. What did anyone else do that wasn’t already involved in the rescue operation? He and his team put in time and effort in an attempt to help save children. Who on God’s Green Earth is going to dump on that? Look at yourself in the mirror, yo.

Playing Final Fantasy 14 years ago was really important to me. It was back when 2.0 was new. It was about The Cycle of Help. Helping others. Examining their gear, and making them new things on a whim. Offering tips and advice. Anything I could do to help others. This was instilled in me because of a guild I was in

Here’s the problem: You say you aren’t defending their actions, and then you go on to falsely and pathetically defend their actions. Trolling this is low-hanging fruit. Just stop.

This is Grand Canyon sized Assholery that goes as deep as the Mariana Trench

Wouldn’t be his coke residue. Elvis was famously anti-drug. His vice was pills prescribed by his enabling doctor.

They ain’t got time for no dastardly wind. They’re outta here.

Thank you.

That’s because his lawsuit was legitimate.