
Beautiful. All I can say is that it’s a pity Adam West and Christopher Reeve aren’t still around. *sniff*

On the other hand theres people like me, who are likely the majority, that want to see new stuff introduced and are hoping its done right. I have absolutely no problem with those ghostly thing so far without knowing whats behind it.

I am not a Musk fanboy or anything but even with his failures/setbacks he has accomplished FAR more than 99% of people on this planet. Just getting Tesla where it is now is incredible when you think of what it would take to get electric cars as popular as they are, doing it by starting a car company from scratch, and w

The writers at Gizmodo and this whole operation have horrible opinions that they feel the need to shove down our throats and ruin otherwise half decent articles. I was just trying to recall at what point they decided they didn’t like Elon Musk, as every article they wrote for years was nothing but praise. Now they

Guy has money, material, smart cookies, and the ability to pretty much put anything he wants into motion.

Adam, you just lost all respect I had for you. We should not be shaming people that try to help, whether the help was needed or not. He has been very clear about his intentions to try to help if needed and if not, then great. He has also tweeted that the rescue was all the Thai government and he was not needed, but he

Yep. It was a pretty common attitude in the 1960s and ‘70s that if it was made in a government regulated pharmaceutical plant and prescribed by a doctor, it wasn’t really “drugs” and therefore, you couldn’t abuse it.


If there’s life on Europa, then there’s likely life in lots of other places. We bring up the Fermi Paradox quite a bit when we talk about life because if life is common, then intelligent life must be nearly as common within a few orders of magnitude. And over the 14 billion years the universe has been here, that’s

This hit me a lot harder than I thought it might.

As a fan of professional wrestling, I always enjoyed Art Bell’s show in the same way, with Art in the wrestling promoter role. He booked a wide variety of guests, and gave them all a chance to talk, as long as they’d answer his and the audience’s questions. It didn’t matter what was “real” or “fake” because it was

His body may have stopped working, but Art Bell isn’t dead. He’ll live forever, or at least as long as the Shoutcast app works.

Guess it made a daring escape before its time was up

Are you kidding? The “writers” that took over this site just LOVE pointlessly shoving spoilers right into their headlines and lead images for no other reason than to be huge, unrepentant assholes.

I do my best to scroll past all walking dead articles because I’m a season behind. But when you put major spoilers about a person leaving the show right there in the headline, it’s impossible to avoid. Can you please rethink how you write your headlines for people like me who don’t have time to catch up on every show?

Except 1) Brett Ratner got canned, Joss himself left and 2) Joss had affairs, but has never been accused of “sexual misconduct.” They are two entirely different things.

I mean, shit, I’m old, and I’m a little jealous that I don’t make tens of thousands (or more) dollars a year letting complete strangers watch me play video games, but for fuck’s sake, I’m not going to let, “Well, I missed the boat,” cause me to fuck with someone else by abusing emergency response resources.

For the folks asking, “Why was the kid streaming,” I’m just gonna be blunt:

Way to miss the fucking fire burning the house down over the smoke that’s offending your nostrils.

Yes, the kid’s young, and yeah, it’d be a much better idea for them not to be streaming, but they are not the problem here. The cowardly, craven

This is quite possibly the most Nintendo thing Nintendo has ever done.