
E-Fed. I will ask. What was your name, and what was the fed? I got involved with e-feds when I was 16. That was 20 years ago. It’s kind of a mindfrak to see things I did twenty years ago finally being done today. The whole Matt Hardy Broken gimmick comes to mind. He actually met my partner in crime from back then,

People that are quick to call other people bad are usually the worst of all. If being a card carrying member of The Goof Troop, a nuisance, and/or a misguided manchild made a person the worst on earth then at some point in our lives we’ve all been the worst person on earth. Everyone has the capacity to change, and

It isn’t a “Christian schtick” at all, yo. If you’re gonna disrespect the guy and his beliefs at least do your homework and get it right.

When I ran a guild in Final Fantasy XIV I had a sweetheart of a girl who was spoken poorly to by a couple of guys over her skills. It wasn’t because she was a girl, but just her skills in general. What I did was confront the person who did it, let him know it wasn’t a nice thing to do, asked him to apologize. Then I

No. You can’t just stereotype an entire race as being racist. That’s racist in itself. Maybe you’re racist without even knowing it for saying something like that.

It said they put in a thousand hours or so of work. They’re omnicrafters who make their own stuff. The people complaining should go to a different server if they don’t like it, or complain to the ff14 devs. It isn’t like these people made gil running inept players through content, or players who simply don’t have the

Sounds like he has more issues than Reader’s Digest.

I did the same thing. Tree, berry, went for it, got got, and got a gold magikarp afterwards. Could be a one time thing.

You actually make sense.

This was a fantastic read. Intelligently written to top it off. You actually know what you’re talking about. I went into Shinsuke Nakamura completely blind at Takeover when he debuted against Sami Zayn. I gasped and marked out like a five year old at his entrance. I watched that a few times before even getting to the

Legit answer: the company; a billion dollar company; trusts them enough to allow them to represent their company as champion. A publicly traded company.

He was drinking beers in a bar at the time. Plus everything he said about indy matches was pretty much correct. There isn’t any time at all to actually sell. Truth cuts deep. Sure, he’s sort of a dick, but the blunt truth usually comes off that way.

Yeah, I thought this was common knowledge. Speaking out loud solidifies it in your mind. You aren’t having a conversation with yourself. That’s an entirely different thing.

Mine was: “I’m not even supposed to be here today.” - Dante Hicks from Clerks.

So basically he cheats, can’t cheat how he wants to cheat, and refuses to play without being able to cheat.

Getting over it, and nor behaving like an incorrigable child to begin with works.

This brought tears to my eyes. Good tears. I vividly remember this episode, and it was every bit as big of a deal as you would expect. Courage epitomized.

It is entirely accurate. Take a high level college course on Learning and Behavioral Disorder. Sensory overload meaning your life isn’t a complete and utter hell. You’re able to work and type out this big long thing. You are in a different league than the low-functioning kids who live in constant hell with little

There are two types of autism. Low-functioning and high-functioning. Low-functioning is the type that’s sensory overload, and the person has trouble functioning in society. High-functioning is like having superpowers in a sense. Your senses are turned up a few notches, but the dial isn’t broken. People that use

Being outted, or worse yet being forced to out yourself; it’s chaos on the psyche. How would you be forced to out yourself? If everyone already knew via nefarious means, but they kept it from you, and then you found out. It’s enough to make a person have a nervous breakdown for sure. Yet when you realize everyone else