
Then Alanis Mourisette would do a run-in and go Attitude Era by appearing to cut off his penis.

They know to keep the scissors away from me. Told me to cut it out.

Was wondering what LeBlanc had been up to since Friends ended. A whole lot of nothing and then this, apparently. I think he did some atrocious movie with a chimp that plays baseball or something too.

What the fuck is up with that maddening background music? Makes me wanna shoot. I’ll stretch it like Regal did Goldberg. I’ll break it like D Lo Brown broke Droz’s neck.

I just know PT Cruisers and these breadbox looking vehicles need to go. I can’t stand the sight of them, and will do what it takes to not ride behind or near one. They’re abominations.

“If ya can’t say nothin’ nice don’t say nothin’ at all” What good does any of this information do? You don’t speak ill of the dead. You let them rest. Especially when it’s decades old information, and the person in question has been dead for multiple years.

You already get props from me for being the only time I have ever read about the Hogan verdict, lawsuits, sale, and Thiel et al on this conglomerate without blame being passed around to everyone, playing the victim card, and pretending nothing was done wrong other than not knowing Hogan would sue. That has straight-up

My recently turned 19 year old nephew said ‘holy dang that’s cheap’ to the $399. Considering I have another 15 year old nephew, and they both work at the family owned bbq place; they could split the cost of it.

Didnt know that about Killing Joke. Knew the voice was pretty strenuous, tho. Cool tidbit on The Killing Joke.

I found a Samsung Gear for the S6. The Innovator Edition. Considering where it was found I wanted to test it to make sure it was working. Plus my nephew has a S6, and I’ve never experienced VR before.

They make more bank from pachinko and their new slots than they probably ever did from video games.

Well said. I was a Kotaku and io9 fan before I even knew what a Gawker was other than the very unflattering things that were said about them. I don’t want two of the handful of sites I visit daily to be diluted or lessened merely based on association.

A more accurate statement would be:

Certainly looks like a five year old designed it.

You’re right. It was Dr Death in the beginning then JBL. Armchair booking at this point, but I believe if Vince listened to Shane it would’ve been Shane running UFC. What better competition than your own family. Shane also wanted to run ECW entirely online without Vince meddling in it. Oh, wait, what’s Triple H doing

Why was the girl unconscious behind a dumpster anyway? No no, don’t misunderstand; I’m wondering why the hell this girl didn’t have any friends or any decent human beings to either escort her back to her dorm or keep watch over her knowing full well how rapey college is. I’d be ashamed of myself for the rest of my

Now playing

I sent him a Tweet with this video. Sucks for him that I actually live in TN and am able to not vote for him

He knows damn good and well there is a time and a place. This was neither the time nor the place. Of course he was a Muslim and a Draft Dodger. Know what else he was? Perhaps the greatest fighter to have ever lived. A person who inspired generations, and from all accounts was a credit to the human race. I recall

You’re probably right about the direction he’d take. Yet you may not know or remember that back during this time period, or shortly thereafter, WWE(F at the time) did their Brawl For All thing. It’s where wrestlers had shoot boxing matches in the ring. It was completely legit. JBL was the obvious favorite to win, but

Shane McMahon begged BEGGED Vince McMahon to buy UFC back in 1996 or ‘97. Begged him too. If he did the organization would be in a much better place. Missed opportunities.