
It’s probably the closest he’s ever been to a female he isn’t related to.

He ain’t a bastard. Kid has a Dad. He’s the one doing it. Now if the Dad identifies as a woman and is transitioning... I won’t open that can of worms.

I dont care about a group of people who are too impatient to wait for Halloween. That’s the only time cosplay is acceptable: When it involves children going door-to-door begging for candy. Any other time, unless you’re Japanese and in Japan, is silly. No, you aren’t special. You don’t get paid for having a mental

Nobody cares about these people who have a mental disability that makes them think it’s okay for it to be Halloween more than once a year. You gotta be patient, yo. This isn’t Japan.

Got them got, apparently. Didn’t buy enough, apparently. Apparently.

All right, hand me Lucille.

He has a good attitude about it. Everyone derps sometimes. At least he and they can laugh about it.

I did the same thing, but video games had nothing to do with it. Was going 80 at the time as well. I felt the spin, cut off the cruise control, Braked and steered slowly, spun into the only guardrail section there not solid rock, bounced back out, came to a complete stop facing the opposite direction on the shoulder.

Unless Vinnie Mac strikes a deal with Dana White to have Brock Lesnar fight a match. Stranger things have happened. Vince McMahon would own UFC anyway if he listened to Shane back in the mid-90s.

Yeah, all that negative nonsense or: He’s putting Diaz over by emphasizing that he needs to get his shit together and train hard for this match instead of running his mouth at all the promotional events. He’s acknowledging Diaz as a threat.

He could go the Brock Lesnar route and deny UFC in the prime of his life to make more bank, work less dates, and be much healthier in the end. The UFC needs Conor, but he doesn’t need the UFC. Let them break the faucet of their money fountain. Vinnie Mac will build a bigger and better one. Why this? It’s being failed

Came here to say this. Leaving happy. This video looked like something I’d see in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Not Unbreakable since Bruce Willis would be dead.

She must be chillin’ with Grizzly Man up in Heaven now. Hopefully she didn’t suffer as much as that poor man did. Audio even leaked not too long ago, but it’s one of those things even my hardcore loving friend who gets off on that stuff says he regrets listening to it. Yikes, right

You actually make perfect sense and bring up a valid point. Could also view it as someone amusing themselves by intentionally playing the game the antithesis of its intention just to see what happens. It doesn’t necessarily mean the game isn’t viable to play as intended just that it’s interesting enough to try new

Nashville should be above Austin. How does Music City USA, always one of the top 3 friendliest and cleanest cities in the world, and a foodie mecca not top that overrated Austin nonsense?

How in the holy bloody hell did this happen? It’s comedy gold and all, but what is the technological process behind it? Did people just troll the thing to death until it became this monstrosity? If it absorbs nonsense then I guess if enough people feed it nonsense then nonsense is all it knows. Nonsense.

Im not reading all this to avoid spoilers, but wtf is up with a pussified 7 or 8 year old kid bouncing over Bruce Wayne’s parents getting got? That’s the fault of the parents and the simpleton child for being too snowflaky.

Yup, pretty ironclad. The reasons for the why not’s do not matter in the least bit fathomable. Them not honoring the deal makes them look like shady shenanigans.

Black wrestlers have a hard time in wrestling? The Rock is Samoan/Black and Ron Simmons is black. Mark Henry was a monster even though it took some years. What’s amazing about The New Day is it’s the most over faction since DX. Organically. They turned themselves face, and the fans love it.

I’m left-handed, so I’m wondering how the naga mouse would work with me. Wanting to switch to mouse+keyboard for ff14.

I’m left-handed, so I’m wondering how the naga mouse would work with me. Wanting to switch to mouse+keyboard for